Help Desk

From Elves Ragnarok Online
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What is the Help Desk?

The helpdesk is for problems that require a GM's assistance, such as:

  • Scamming / Hacking / Spamming / general rule breaking (though if it's something not currently ongoing, we suggest you post the screenshots on the forums)
  • Reporting errors or bugs that shouldn't be reported on the forums due to the potential for them being exploited
  • Glitches that apply only/mainly to you (Dude, why does my homun have no skills and no skill points even though it's 255?)
  • Other things where ONLY a GM can help you and and there isn't another, more proper channel for addressing it.
  • Other small middle group of issues (GM Help, I did this and this and this and its still not letting me purchase points on the website, etc) that will depend upon how busy helpdesk is at that particular point in time.
  • Claim prizes for contests that we tell you to go to helpdesk for

Note: If you're concerned with a player spamming skills and/or chat, simply pm NPC:Report with the name and offense of the person and if a GM is online, he/she will jump to the scene and punish accordingly.

The Help Desk is accessible through the GM Assistant NPC in Prontera. It will not warp you directly, but instead, it will put you in a queue (waiting list), so a GM can recall you when it's your turn.

It is NOT for:

  • asking for events
  • asking for leveling help
  • asking for free items
  • asking what equipment is the best
  • Making suggestions about Sacrifice or how you think Fabre cards should be worth more Cedi.
  • Getting a screenshot with a GM (seriously, if that's why you're there at least come up with a better excuse and for being there and take it.)
  • Trying to get issues magically resolved that you've not explored every other reasonable option to fix.

The general rule of thumb is, if it's a "general" question, look it up :

If it is an "opinion" question, you should consult the forums, preferably with the help of the Search Button at first.

If you STILL can't find what you're looking for, go ahead and use the Helpdesk. Just please try it on your own first, okay?

How the Help Desk Works

  • When you use the GM assistant NPC, it takes note of your account, not your character. This is for both your convenience and ours; you can receive help on ANY one of your characters.
  • If you log out, you still retain your place in line.
  • If you solve your problem, you can remove yourself from the list by talking to the NPC again.
  • With the above points in mind, it should be easy to understand why vending on an account signed up for Helpdesk is a BAD IDEA. BAD, BAD, BAD. If you plan to go AFK for extended periods of time, either log out, or remove yourself from the list.
  • Before you are recalled, you will get a notice in your chatbox saying you are about to be recalled, same if you are about to be sent back.
  • The room is tiny, and the Aeons will not talk to you. Seriously, your corner of the room is the same as all the other corners.
  • @commands are disabled in the room.
  • We will send you out when you finish. Please don't just log out randomly as soon as you're done, it messes up the Aeon.
  • When you get into the helpdesk, please show some sign of life. Say "Hi", sit down, move a square or two. Do SOMETHING. You don't want to be labeled as an AFKer because...
  • AFKers lose their place in line. You will either be removed from the queue or sent to the back of it.