2011 Christmas Event

From Elves Ragnarok Online
Revision as of 03:22, 25 May 2023 by wiki>Conica


Eerie sounds come from behind a building and out pops... Santa Claus!

But he's not his holly jolly self. He's got a Bazooka and is ready and willing to kick some a... butt.

From behind another building creeps out a zombie, holding a menorah! Finally, a robot creaks its way out from behind a third building holding a kinara.

They all turn to the center of the three buildings and see... the Holiday Gourd who proclaims, "Happy Holidays guys!".

All three turn to the Gourd and say, "We're so sick of hearing 'Happy Holidays'.

Stop trying to rob our celebrations of their power you damnable gourd!"

"Uh oh..." The Gourd murmurs before rolling away from the three and off into the distance.


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to protect the gourd and make sure everyone can celebrate whatever holiday they choose!

Throughout the rest of the year (2011) Santa, the Hanukkah Zombie, and Kwanzaa bot will appear on random maps throughout Rune Midgard and seek vengence on the poor Holiday Gourds.

Rush quickly to the map that's announced and stop them from defeating the Gourds! (And then kill the Gourd yourself <.< >.>)

  • At intervals throughout the day from 12/23/2011 until 11:59:59 PM on 12/31/2011 (the moment 2011 ends), the Kwanzza Bot, Hanukkah Zombie, Santa's Minions, and Gourds will spawn on a random map. This map will be announced when then appear!

  • Obtain Lump of Coal and/or special event headgears through any of the following ways:

    • Kill any and ALL mobs in the game for a random low chance at dropping a Lump of Coal

    • Kill the Kwanzza Bot, Hanukkah Zombie, and/or Santa's Minions that spawn on a random map throughout the day for a chance (higher than the one mentioned above) to obtain a Lump of Coal

    • Kill the Gourd in the same random maps to instantly have a chance at one of the special headgears listed below.

Other Notes

  • You only need a max of 7 Lump of Coal to obtain all the headgears. Try not to be greedy please.

  • The mobs that spawn can attack each other, and can die. So you must hurry to the map that announces or they will all be dead before you get a chance to kill them.

  • There will be plenty of mobs, so you should have an easy chance to kill them.
