
From Elves Ragnarok Online
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General Information

  • Rates: 5x / 5x / 3x
  • Maximum Level: 99 / 70
  • Maximum ASPD: 190
  • Max Stats: 99
  • Pre-Renewal


Here, lists the features that can not be found on all servers (Eir/Loki/Tyr). They help separate Eir from the other servers by offering unique things:


The commands listed here are available to all players on the server, regardless of level.

Command Information Usage
@accept Automatically accepts a duel invitation. (You must be invited to a duel first.) @accept
@allychat Enables or disables the chat between alliances of your guild. (To use ally chat, type "~chat message" without the quotes) @allychat
@alootid Automatically picks up a certain item that you specify. This command accepts either the item number or the item name.
  • @alootid fabric
  • @alootid 1059
@autoloot Automatically picks up items dropped from monsters with the indicated percentage (%) or less.
  • @autoloot 1
  • @autoloot 100
@autotrade Your character will remain vending, but you'll be disconnected. Character will remain vending until all items are sold out or you log in into that account again. @autotrade
@at A shorter command for @autotrade, your character will remain vending, but you'll be disconnected. Character will remain vending until all items are sold out or you log in into that account again. @at
@auction Opens the auction menu automatically, instead of using the npc to do it. @auction
@aw A shorter command for @away, it's an automated response everytime someone PM's you. @aw I'm on a boat!
@away An automated response everytime someone PM's you. @away I'm currently enjoying the awesomeness of my rootbeer float, be back soon.
@cartlist Displays all the items in your cart. @cartlist
@changegm Changes Guild Leadership to the character specified (Only a Guild Leader can use this. The new Guild Leader must be online and in the same guild). @changegm Syphon
@changeleader Changes Part Leadership to the character specified. (Only a party leader can use this. The new party leader must also be online and in the same party.) @changeleader Hypnotoad
@commands Displays all the available commands to the user. @commands
@date Displays the current date and time on the server, known as server time. RebirthRO's server time is GMT -5. @date
@duel Either sends an invitation for the character specified or starts a duel that lets the amount of players specified enter. (Invited characters must not be in a duel)
  • @duel 10
  • @duel Nuit Blanche
@guildmes Send a broadcast like message to everyone in your guild. You must have the ability to send messages, as shown in the @gw command below.
  • @guildmes
  • @guildmes Hey, warp to the castle now!
@gw Allow guild leaders to set permissions for guild members based on position for use of @guildmes
  • @gw 3 1 (Sets position 3, to allow them to broadcast messages)
  • @gw 3 0 (Removes the ability for position 3 to broadcast messages)
@hominfo Displays information about your homunculus (Health, Level, Loyalty etc). Only usable by Alchemist or Creator classes. @hominfo
@homstats Displays stats (str, vit, dex etc) of your homunculus. Like @hominfo, this command is only available to alchemist or creator classes. @homstats
@idsearch Displays the item id of a given item. @idsearch fabric
@ii A shorter command for @iteminfo, it displays the information on a given item (Name, Item ID#, Type, Extra Effect, NPC Buy Price, NPC Sell Price, Weight). @ii fabric
@invite Invites a selected character to a duel (The character using this must be in the duel already, and the character to be invited must not be in any duel.) @invite Ramsey
@iteminfo Displays the information on a given item (Name, Item ID#, Type, Extra Effect, NPC Buy Price, NPC Sell Price, Weight). @iteminfo fabric
@itemlist Lists the current items in your inventory. @itemlist
@jailtime Displays how long until you are released from jail. @jailtime
@leave Makes your character leave the current duel @leave
@mail Opens up the mail menu. Characters can send mail to another character (can include a message, zeny, and one (1) item). @mail
@main Turn on/off the global chat system. Allows you to talk to the whole server who has @main on.
  • @main on / @main off
  • @main so i herd u liek mudkipz!!
@me Displays a message in public chat in a different way than the usual. Commonly used to portray action. @me dances around while singing, "Total Eclipse of the Heart".
@mi A shorter command for @mobinfo, it also displays the information on a given monster (IRO Name, KRO Name, Monster ID#, Level, Hp, Sp, Base Exp, Job Exp, Stats, Attack, Range, Size, Race, Elements, Drops).
  • @mi poring
  • @mi 1002
@mobinfo Displays the information on a given monster (IRO Name, KRO Name, Monster ID#, Level, Hp, Sp, Base Exp, Job Exp, Stats, Attack, Range, Size, Race, Elements, Drops).
  • @mobinfo poring
  • @mi 1002
@monsterinfo Similar to @mobinfo, it also displays the information on a given monster (IRO Name, KRO Name, Monster ID#, Level, Hp, Sp, Base Exp, Job Exp, Stats, Attack, Range, Size, Race, Elements, Drops).
  • @monsterinfo poring
  • monsterinfo 1002
@noask Automatically Denies all trade requests. @noask
@noks Stops other players from attacking monsters you have hit for a small amount of time. To prevent Kill Stealing (Does not work on mini bosses or MVP) @noks
@petinfo Displays information about your pet(Name, Level, Intimacy, Hunger). @petinfo
@rates Displays the current Base and Job rates on the server. @rates
@refresh Refreshes your screen. Similar to logging out and back in. @refresh
@reject Rejects an existing duel invitation. @reject
@serverdate Displays the current date and time on the server, known as server time. RebirthRO's server time is GMT -5. @serverdate
@servertime Displays the current date and time on the server, known as server time. RebirthRO's server time is GMT -5. @servertime
@shopsearch Displays which vendor characters are currently vending the specified item, displays the price and the location of the vendor.
  • @shopsearch jellopy
  • @shopsearch 909
@showexp Displays how much experience and % you gain from killing a monster. @showexp
@skillid Displays the given skill id for the skill specified. @skillid divest
@skilltree Shows the requirements for a skill id. @skilltree 1
@ss A shorter command for @shopsearch, displays which vendor characters are currently vending the specified item, displays the price and the location of the vendor.
  • @ss jellopy
  • @ss 909
@storage Opens your storage. The same as using the npc, but without being a certain level or paying zeny. @storage
@storagelist Similar to @itemlist, but displays all the items in your storage instead. @storagelist
@storeall Opens storage and automatically stores all items you have equipped and in your inventory (Not the items in your cart). It then closes storage. @storeall
@storeall2 Similar to @storeall, but only moves the items that you don't have equipped to your storage. @storeall2
@storeall3 Places currently equipped items into storage. @storeall3
@time Displays the current date and time on the server, known as server time. RebirthRO's server time is GMT -5. @time
@undisguise Removes disguises places by a GM disguise command. @undisguise
@uptime Displays how long the server has been online. (Counts from the last time it went down). @uptime
@whereis Shows maps where a particular monster spawns.
  • @whereis Mavka
  • @whereis 1884
@whodrops Displays only the top 5 monsters that drop the specified item (Sorted from Highest to Lowest % of drop).
  • @whodrops tiger panty
  • @whodrops 7267
@whosell Similar to @shopsearch and @ss, displays the vendor of the item specified, its price, and the location of the vendor.
  • @whosell jellopy
  • @whosell 909
@whosells Similar to @shopsearch and @ss, displays the vendor of the item specified, its price, and the location of the vendor.
  • @whosells jellopy
  • @whosells 909
@wiki Opens up your internet browser to the RebirthRO Wiki site. When used with a name or phrase, it will open up that page specifically.
  • @wiki
  • @wiki Staff