Maintenance 2016-03-05

From Elves Ragnarok Online
Revision as of 09:16, 5 March 2016 by wiki>Sen
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Maintenance 2016-03-05 Notes

VIP Update!

Since its initial implementation, I would like to introduce the first, new update to VIP! Just as a reminder before we get to the juicy parts: Gold VIP is a "free" VIP status given to those of level 10 donor status, as a thank you for supporting the server; Platinum VIP is the premium version that is bought with credits. Thor: your guest VIP will run out as of this maintenance, and we thank you fully for testing it for us and bearing with us.

Gold and Platinum VIPs! :

  • [Loki] [Thor] VIPs will receive an increase of 5% in base and job EXP that they earn! This includes MvP, quest and other EXP sources, and will also increase the amount of EXP contributed towards your guild's level!
  • [Loki] VIPs will now receive +3 All Stat Food Buffs from the Healer NPC when they heal! (For those worried about Thana-bait, you can turn these buffs off at the Settings NPC).
  • [Loki] [Thor] VIPs will now get an inherent 5% chance of Double Drop occurring for items that have a drop rate of 70% (100% for Thor) or more! This means that if an item has a 70% (100% for Thor) chance to drop, or more, then if that item drops you have a 5% chance for yet another one of those items to drop! This will certainly help those with VIP status to farm those valuable items even quicker!

Platinum VIPs Only! :

  • [Loki] [Thor] Platinum VIPs will receive an extra increase of 5% in base and job EXP, raising the total to 10% earnt in total!
  • [Loki] Platinum VIPs will receive an extra +2 to All Stats from the Healer NPC when healing, increasing their total to +5 to All Stats!
  • [Loki] [Thor] As a little something to help out during War of Emperium, those with Platinum VIP status will now get to see a custom mini-map whilst they are in any War of Emperium castle! These mini-maps are labeled to show you which room leads to which, in the case of WoE 1.0, and in WoE 2.0 the mini-maps are labeled to show you where each flag will warp you to on the map! Hopefully this makes getting around that bit easier!

Please also note for those on Loki, new, lower amounts of VIP may be bought in the Garden of Eden (read on for more details...), in the amounts of 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 5 days, 10 days and 15 days.

Cashshop Update!

We are pleased to announce some new items have been added to the Cashshop for both servers!

  • [Loki] State of the Art Weapon Box - "A hard box intricately decorated, it contains within it a powerful weapon. The weapon will be bound to your account.".

Effect: Grants an account-bound, high-end weapon. Cost: 150 Points

  • [Loki] State of the Art Armour Box - "A hard box intricately decorated, it contains within it an incredible piece of armour. The armour will be bound to your account."

Effect: Grants an account-bound, high-end armour. Cost: 150 Points

  • [Thor] Heroic Backpack - "A backpack befitting of any hero."

Effect: Please see Ratemyserver! Cost: 300 Points

Client-related Fixes

  • [Loki] [Thor] Prontera has been reverted to normal.
  • [Loki] [Thor] The random snow textures and models have been reverted to their pre-snow conditions! Rejoice! Two years on, nearly, and they're back to normal!
  • [Loki] State of the Art Armour Box now has the correct sprite.
  • [Loki] Pikachu Hood, Love Bunny Band and Mini Love Clips have received item descriptions for their effects which have been in game since September.
  • [Loki] [Thor] Fixed the following item descriptions for items shared by both Loki and Thor:
    • Bellum Crossbow now correctly states its script.
    • Bellum Jamadhar now correctly states its script.
    • Clarified Ignus Stale and End Sectora's descriptions.
    • Bellum Guillotine now correctly states its script.
    • Clarified Assaulter Spear's description.
    • Clarified Gigantic Spear's description.
    • Clarified Light of Recovery's description.
    • Electronic Guitar has had "Adds a chance when attacking to auto-cast JT" added to its descriptions, as per its script.
  • [Loki] Fixed the following item descriptions:
    • Itty Bitty Angel showing a slot when it has none.
    • Typo in Gold Scaraba Card (N) ("Lux" becomes "Luk").
    • Removed the "Stats during WoE & PvP" clause in all Bellum gear, which has never been true for pre-RE.
    • Thief Crossbow has had a Loki-specific description added.
    • Giant Crossbow has had a Loki-specific description added.
    • Bellum Arbalest will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Brave Assaulter's Katzbalger will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Valorous Assaulter's Katzbalger will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Alca Bringer states equippable by Lord Knights.
    • Brave Carnage Katar will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Valorous Carnage Katar will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Agent Katar will now make known it has 3 slots. It also correctly states the additional chance for a perfect hit.
    • Guillotine Katar will now correctly state the additional damage with Grimtooth.
    • Bellum Scale will now make known it has 1 slot. It also correctly states the amount of SP it reduces.
    • Valorous Insane Battle Axe will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Bellum Buster will state the correct amount of SP it reduces.
    • Bellum Guillotine will correctly state its effect.
    • Assaulter Spear will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Imperial Spear will correctly state its effect.
    • Cannon Spear will now make known it has 3 slots and will also correctly state its effect.
    • Bellum Spear will now make known it has 1 slot and will also correctly state its effect.
    • Assaulter Lance will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Bellum Glaive will now correctly state its effect.
    • Spike will now correctly state that if your vit is less than 150, it will decrease your soft def by 66%; otherwise, will reduce your soft defence by a flat 100.
    • Valorous Battlefield Morning Star will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Brave Battlefield Morning Star will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Brave Battle Strategy Book will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Valorous Battle Strategy Book will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Cold Magic Book will now correctly state its effect.
    • Bellum Bible will now correctly state its effect.
    • Bellum Great Encyclopaedia now correctly states its effect.
    • Warlock's Magic Wand will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Warlock's Battle Wand will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Strong Recovery Wand will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Speedy Recovery Wand will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Mental Stick will now make known it has 3 slots and also correctly state its effect.
    • Light of Recovery will now make known it has 2 slots.
    • Mental Destroyer will now correctly state its effect.
    • Valorous Battle Fist will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Brave Battle Fist will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Bellum Claw will now make known it has 1 slot.
    • Valorous Battlefield Guitar will now make it known it has 1 slot.
    • Brave Battlefield Guitar will now make it known it has 1 slot.
    • Green Whistle will now correctly state its effect.
    • Rapture Rose will now correctly state its effect.
    • Valorous Battle Lariat will now make it known it has 1 slot.
    • Brave Battle Lariat will now make it known it has 1 slot.
    • Rosevine will now correctly state its effect.
  • [Thor] Fixed the following item descriptions and sprites:
    • Costume: Triple Poring Hat
    • Costume: Anubis Helm
    • Costume: Frog King Hat
    • Costume: Japan Winecup
    • Costume: Angel Wing Ears
    • Costume: Baseball Cap
    • Costume: Chewing Gum
    • Costume: AFK Hat
    • Costume: Cute Blue Ribbon
    • Costume: Musketeer Hat
    • Costume: Balloon Hat
    • Rainbow Sash
    • Fallen Angel Wing
    • Ship Captain Hat
  • [Loki] [Thor] The Biolabs 4 normal mob card names have changed from class names to the mob names. The MvP card names have changed from mob's names to class names. This is to make them consistent with the Biolabs 3 card naming system.


Custom Episode Update - I.iii Blood will Have Blood (Part 1)

  • The first update to the Custom Episode since May 2013, which rivals even the Glast from the Past update in size and scope!
  • A new map has been added to the north of Faroe Island 06 (far_isld06) called Faroe Harbour (far_harb) in order to facilitate access to the new maps.
  • A new town map has been added, The Abbey (nameless_ip), accessed from the Faroe Harbour, with an Inside map (abbey01p) To the west of that is a new field map, West Abbey Island (abby_fild01).
  • A new two-map dungeon has been added past West Abby Island called Abbey Temple. The first floor is called Via Redemptoris (abby_tem01) and the second floor is called Sacer Redemptoris (abby_tem02). Access to Sacer Redemptoris is locked behind the main quest line.
  • A strange, never-seen-before portal has been added to Geffen Field 08 (gef_fild08) and Rosaceae Pass (gef_fild01p) which takes you to the Geffen Melanis! Read below for more information!
  • Five new mobs have been added to the new field and dungeon maps, including a new MvP found on the second floor of the Temple dungeon - Saint Trofimena.
  • 21 new mobs have been added to the Geffen Melanis, including six new MvPs - Arachne, Alectryon, Yacumama, Ouroboros, A'Tuin and the Predator!
  • New quests have been added! Quest list is below!
  • Approximately 120 new items have been added, with 30 going towards mob drops and quest rewards for the custom episode and roughly 85 new items added for the Melanis mobs!

Quest List:

  • Blood will Have Blood - Main story quest, started in Glastheim upon receipt of a letter from a messenger. Continues on from Shadow of the Raven.
  • Grab yer Sealegs! - Short quest to grant access to the new town map.
  • A Light that Burns Bright - Side quest started in the Faroe Harbour map.
  • The Geffen Melanis - The storyline that explains, guides and rewards you for exploring the Melanis; has 15 parts to it.


Melanis is the name of the brand new PvM content we are introducing with this Custom Episode patch. At the moment, we will be adding just this one Melanis; however, if it proves to be popular and/or liked, then more will follow from it. So please, do leave feedback! Without spoiling too much story, some powerful magic has taken place that has caused a tear in time to create yet another portal - one, however, that bears no resemblance to those in the New World or that leads to Glastheim! Unlike the other portals, this one has two copies either of which can be found in Geffen Field (gef_fild08) or in Rosasceae Pass (gef_fild01p). This means that even if you have not taken part in the Custom Episodes, you may still enter Melanis - however, important story elements may not be disclosed to you! Both Rekenber Corporation and the Tower of Mages in Geffen have taken a keen interest in this portal's appearance - for different reasons! - and have sent parties there immediately to investigate and study it. Already a few key points have been deduced by the vanguard of this reconnaissance mission:

  • There are monsters within the portal, but not like any others seen before. These monsters are stronger and more deadly, but also more intelligent. *Instead of aimlessly roaming, they have formed camps which they can easily defend, forage and hunt in! They ever-so-rarely leave these camps, making them hard to pick off and kill.
  • People within the safe zone have observed a new behaviour in the creatures that inhabit the Melanis: migration. Whilst regular monsters in Rune-*Midgard do naturally migrate with seasons, they do not migrate to avoid being hunted, as the Melanis fauna do. However, there has been a lack of research beyond the safe zone and no one knows for certain what causes these migrations, nor what makes the monsters return to their aforementioned abandoned camp as they are wont to do.
  • The human body cannot withstand the time dilation effects felt within the portal for long. The Mages of Geffen have erected a magical barrier that creates a safe zone from both monsters and this crushing effect on the body, but not for long. Anyone without a special magic stone can only withstand 10 minutes in the safe zone before having to leave.
  • Rekenber's top scientists have managed to manufacture a stone which they are calling Traverser Stones. These Stones grant those who wield them a special protection against the time dilation effects felt within the portal. However, as Rekenber's top researcher in the area, Yousef, will tell you, this is not within its downsides and risks! The Stones last for roughly one hour before their magic is completely drained, thus becoming useless. *Furthermore, any more than two Stones at one time can cause the dimensional rift to collapse inwards on top of that person, as one Rekenber intern found out the hard way...
  • If a person entering the portal leaves without a Traverser Stone with enough charge in it to protect against the dilation effects will have to wait 20 minutes before their body is ready again to withstand the harsh forces using the portal entails.
  • Mages within the portal have detailed how their casting seems to be slower than normal, whilst soldiers explain how their arms grow heavier quicker, reducing their swinging speed. Rekenber scientists believe this is due to the time dilation effects within the portal making everything seem and feel slower, including walking speed!

Eden Group Update - Garden of Eden!

Introducing the next expansion to the Eden Group: the Garden of Eden! This can be found in Eden Group to the right of the main desk, inside the warp portal before the thick, heavy doors. Inside is the Garden of Eden, a brand spanking new and updated Mall! First though, let me give you a virtual tour of the Garden: Along the south wall are a set of booths which are now home to the Yuno Mall shops (which, by the way, has been removed - goodbye Yuno Mall, you served us well... I'd also like to thank Xero who parsed the whole Yuno Mall into this new, trader interface! So thanks to him!) and a bunch of new ones. In order, these are the Weapon Shop, the Armour Shop, the Magician Shop, the Alchemy Shop, the Extended Classes Shop and the Headgear Shop. These NPCs all sell the regular stuff that can be found at the Yuno Mall (with a few extras...) and all for Zeny. Moving into the central area we can find a bar with most of the essential NPCs: Healer, Warpra, Stylist, Settings NPC, PvP Warper, Job Master and the Rental NPC. Of course, with the Warpra NPC you can save here if you so wish - and with the nice throw cushions and mats, this makes for a lovely area to hang out in! Also, the central area, as designated by the mats, are a no vending zone; however, you can vend anywhere else within the Mall if you wish to compete with the NPCs! Next up on the north wall, you can find the Smithy Shop and the Protection NPC who sells Chemical Protection scrolls. On the centre stage are two GM NPCs, who inform players of seasonal and GM-hosted events, as well as helping newbies learn their way around the server. Flanking the stage you can find all the old Event Point NPCs from Moscovia - the Event Point Lottery NPC, the Dyna Event setting and the Clip Exchanger to the right, while on the left is the Floating Rates NPCs and the Premium Item Exchanger. To the right of the stage is the Tool Dealer, as well as famous chef Charles Orleans and his helper Madeleine Chu! And finally we reach upstairs, which, from left to right, hold the following shops: the Seasonal Shop (currently closed), the VIP Shop, another currently closed shop, the Vote Point Shop, the Mining Point Shop, the Event Point Shop and the normal and premium Pet Shops. All of these shops now have a trader-type interface which actually allows you to see what you're buying before you do! Please remember that the NPCs which used to be in the Yuno Mall and in Moscovia are no longer there and can only be found in the Garden of Eden; and yes, you can warp there via the Warpra!

Skill Changes, Fixes and Misc Balancing

  • Movement speed has had an overall cap applied to it of 50. What does this 50 mean? Who knows! But to put it into perspective, that is 1/3 of the default movement speed. The only classes to realistically feel this cap are Stalkers and Whitesmiths.
  • Charge Attack's range has been increased from 9 to 14, as per old Loki.
  • Bowling Bash will now give 30% extra damage per skill level, resulting in +400% damage @ level 10, as should be intended.
  • Potion Pitcher's 0.5 second after-cast delay will no longer be reduced by dex, Bragi or item bonuses.
  • Tarot Card of Hope has had its activation rate increased.
  • Fixed the Tarot Card of Hope quest giving the incorrect skill upon completion.
  • Fixed the Twilight Alchemy IV quest giving you the skill before you have actually finished the quest.
  • Tarot Card of Hope and Twilight Alchemy IV should now not be removed upon relogging.
  • In the case you do lose a reputation skill, you may either talk to the quest NPC who gave you the skill, or to the Platinum Skills NPC in Morocc to regain the lost skill.
  • Burning will now correctly make you Fire element.
  • When you are forced to stop auto-attacking someone (e.g. in the case of your target cloaking), a StopAttack packet is now also sent to the client. *This is to fix and correct some weird behaviors. Please bear in mind, this will not correct the pre-SE Loki behavior of being able to cloak inside sight, and hence allows you to break auto-attacks.

Item Changes and Fixes

  • Engelfluegel's Wide Burn chance will remain at 0.5%, no matter how many are equipped.
  • After a src-level fix was applied to bAddSC and its ilk, the following items have received standardisation of their activation rates:
    • Voldo's Katars
    • Staff of the Tower
    • Nicholas' Love
    • Solomon's Seals
    • Houken
    • Amorous Narcissist
    • Dragobete's Rope
    • Rhabdomancy Staff
    • Kurasigama
    • Vel
    • Gypsy Card
  • In addition to this, Solomon's Seals have had their activation rate lowered slightly, post-standardisation.
  • Vel, as well as having its rate standardisation, has also had its activation rate increased slightly.
  • Gypsy Card has received a slight increase in activation rate, as well as extra attack flags to make sure the effect activates on any damage, as per its description.
  • High Orc Lord Card has had its effect re-implemented.
  • Gold Scaraba Card (N) will correctly cast Wide Curse when you have more than or equal to 250 Luck.
  • Jimbo Card, Gold Scaraba Card (N) and Gold Queen Scaraba Card (N) have all had prefixes added to them.
  • Immune Shield will now give the correct bonuses.
  • Two-Handed Chrome Metal Sword now has 4 slots.
  • Bellum Jahmadar has had its effect updated to the official effect.
  • Bellum Buster has had a slot added to it.
  • Bellum Guillotine's additional damage to Players has been increased from 40% to 60% as per the official effect. Its increase to Tomahawk and *Mammonite have been raised to 80% as per the official effect.
  • Bellum Spear has had its extra damage to Players redistributed (60% normally, 30% for the refine bonus). This results in a 10% overall buff. This is to bring it in line with its official effect.
  • Bellum Glaive has had its damage to Players increased from 60% to 80% in order to bring it in line with its official effect.
  • Bellum Great Encyclopaedia has had a slot added to it.
  • Veteran Axe has had its effect updated to the official effect (the buff to ATK remains).
  • Fixed Imperial Spear giving the RE script rather than the custom, pre-RE script.
  • Gigantic Lance has had a slot added to it.
  • Cold Magic Book's increased damage with Cold Bolt and Frost Driver has been increased from 1% per refine, to 3% per refine.
  • Fixed Green Whistle giving the RE script rather than the custom, pre-RE script. It has also had an extra 2 slots added to it.
  • Rapture Rose has had an extra 2 slots added to it.
  • Stem Whip has had an extra 2 slots added to it.
  • Rosevine has had 2 slots added to it.
  • Ghost Elemental will no longer grant Perfect Hide. It will instead grant 1% chance to ignore long-ranged weapon damage.
  • State of the Art Weapon and Armours boxes have had the following items added to them:
    • Weapons: Orc Archer Bow [3], Orcish Sword [3], Sharpened Legbone of Ghoul [3], Queen's Whip [3], Kronos [3]
    • Armours: Immune Shield [1], Ragamuffin Manteau [1]

Miscellaneous Additions and Fixes

  • Fixed the issue wherein the inherent server after-cast delay reduction was being considered a part of the 75% cap.
  • Endless Tower will no longer error you upon entry with the failure to load "1@towe.rsw" error.
  • Fixed the occasional map-wide client crash on Bio Labs 4 that was caused by an undeclared string being broadcast to the map.
  • The Curse of the Pharaoh quest will now work and the Bandit will give the correct options as he should when you talk to him.
  • Coup de Turtle is now fixed, courtesy of Sen.
  • Re-implemented the now rarely used bLongWeaponDamageReturn2 script.
  • Daily Rewards will now give you the proper Day 8 reward of the Old Red Box.
  • Daily Rewards will now give OCAs and MCAs whose cards are bound to your account. Please bear this in mind when you open them.
  • Some of the NPCs on Faroe Island that took a holiday have returned!
  • Premium HWC has been disabled in HoA and guild dungeons.
  • The Concierge NPC will no longer freeze you when asking to buy his wares.
  • Guardians cost the proper amount of 10m Zeny each.
  • TimTom will use the new trader interface for buying Nectars.
  • Magnetic Shield effect's status icon will now display correctly.
  • A problem that caused a client error on a specific character has been fixed when signing up for Helpdesk, signing guild kick messages and filling in some other text boxes when using particular strings of characters.
  • A method for leashing mobs has been added, which allows mobs to be confined to certain areas within a map. Mobs that pass this area will be warped back, fully healed. This can be witnessed in the new Melanis.
  • Party variables are a new way to store quest data based on a party. The only system to use party variables is, at the minute, Melanis. Please be aware that party based variables are temporary and not saved. They expire if the party is disbanded (but not if all members log off), or the character server is taken offline.
  • A whole pile of script commands that lets us do pretty cool stuff with NPCs! Most of this stuff has made its way into the custom episode and Melanis, but because I'm so excited about it, I'm gonna let you in on it! NPCs can now be appeared and disappeared locally, per person, unlike before which hid or showed the NPC for everyone. As an example, this means we can show an NPC to people at a certain stage of a quest, and then hide it for everyone else not at that stage. This allows for really cool dynamic quests out in the open. Furthermore, the NPC talk bubble used most frequently in the custom episode, can also follow this same rule. So an NPC can talk for some people, but this will be hidden for others. NPCs can also talk to specific parties and guilds only! Finally effects can also be displayed per client as well! This could result in all sorts of cool stuff like public instances and dynamic quests, all out in the open world. Please look forward to this!


  • [FIXED] Guillotine Cross' Dark Claw will now apply the debuff even if you miss when using the skill.
  • [FIXED] The Lux Anima Runestone now properly distributes rune buffs to your party. (It should also stop clearing all your other buffs)
  • [FIXED] Shadow Form now has the chance to be cancelled when a revealing skill is casted on it [Still has a 50% chance to succeed]
  • [FIXED] Minstrel's Improvised Song will (again) call up a random spell for you to use.
  • [FIXED] Gentle-Touch Cure consuming too many spirit spheres, now corrected to 1
  • [FIXED] Kagorou / Oboro's attack speed cap has been corrected back to 193 ASPD (Not that anyone noticed)
  • [FIXED] Summon Legion now correctly summons BEES [The Horror!]
  • [FIXED] King's Grace is no longer dispellable
  • [FIXED] Hip Ribbon and Hair Bow Recolours should now ask for the correct item amounts instead of the Loki ones.
  • [FIXED] Thorn Trap now behaves as should and no longer traps yourself and team mates
  • [FIXED] Cloud Kill visually aligns with it's AoE
  • [FIXED] NPCs that check if you are a Gunslinger [Eg, Bullet dealer Tony and Magazine dealer Kenny] now know what a Rebellion class looks like and recognizes your roots as a Gunslinger
  • [FIXED] Arunafeltz Desert Sandwich gives +7% Crit Rate, not +7 flat crit, but +7% [Eg. 15 base crit + Sandwich = 16.05 Crit, 100 base Crit + Sandwich = 107 Crit]
  • [FIXED] Tae Goo Lyeon (hopefully) now gives 20% Cast Reduction and 20% Delay Reduction at +9 or higher
  • [FIXED] Banishing Buster now correctly functions as intended. Get back in there Soldier!
  • [FIXED] Icepick type damage now correctly functions as intended. Most people may not have noticed this, however this is quite a big issue that got fixed. [Like HUUUGE amounts of work]
  • [FIXED] Monster's Magic attack are no longer absurd. You can now reasonably tank monsters that use spells on you and not die in 1 hit. [Unless you are not prepared!]
  • [FIXED] Inspiration now correctly removes the buffs and debuffs it should
  • [FIXED] Whitesmith's weapon refine is no longer incorrect, and should now have a correct success chance
  • [FIXED] Fixed the way bonus VIT and bonus INT calculated with Max HP and Max SP
  • [FIXED] Bio4 Mobs have had their drop rates fixed to reflect official rates. They also have had their cards added.
  • [FIXED] Rebellions can now properly point, click, and shoot with Grenade Launchers.
  • [FIXED] An issue that caused you to crash forever when signed up for helpdesk and to error everyone in your guild based on the message you write when* leaving or being kicked has been fixed.
  • [FIXED] Rental Bunny Band (5266) should now be storageable, so you don't have to buy one per every character on your account.
  • [FIXED] Warg Strike now correctly only scales off of your Stats [str/dex/luk], and Attack instead of +% cards [This definitely looks and feels like a nerf, but it's an adjustment towards official values, so quit what you're raging about right now.]
  • [FIXED] Moon Light Fantasy has it's success chance corrected, and now properly works
  • [FIXED] Volcanic ash now has it's status updated to how it should officially behave
  • [FIXED] Hovering has been updated and fixed. Skill should ignore a slew of ground based skills and traps [Note : This skill will be monitored if it becomes too overbearing]
  • [FIXANGED] VIP Guest has been finally turned off, but fret not, players without VIP can still use the Healer during WoE.
  • [CHANGED] Offertorium and Magnificat cancel each other out. Essentially working as a toggle between two modes
  • [CHANGED] Thor now has a party cap of 20 instead of 12. Please provide feedback if this number is too little [Or too much!] so we can readjust if need be.
  • [CHANGED] Quality of life change for Maestros and Wanderers : Frigg's Song is now cast-able while preforming Songs / Dances
  • [CHANGED] Mother's White Flower and Father's White Mustache has been nerfed down to only being +10 ATK instead of +20. This was done mainly so players who did MoTD for the Panda Bear Rucksack weren't slighted for putting in more effort for a lesser reward. [Not to mention in hind sight +20 ATK was kind of too much]
  • [CHANGED] Nightmare Amon Ra no longer drops Enriched Elunium, and his stats have been changed to be in line with his official self.
  • [CHANGED] Notoriety MvPs have also had their Enriched Elunium drops removed and have had their spawn times increased.
  • [CHANGED] Players now have access to @changegm in order to change guild leader.
  • [CHANGED] Ice Wing Quest was updated for Thor to no longer need Glove[0]'s, but Rosary[1]'s instead.
  • [CHANGED] Nightmare Amon Ra and Regular Amon Ra have both had their spawn timers upped to 2 hours instead of every hour and will no longer spawn in a fixed location.
  • [ADDED] Nightmare Clock Tower has been added in! Find Belljamin Button inside of Regular Clock Tower to gain access
  • [ADDED] Monsters within the dungeon for a time consuming experience (geddit?)
  • [ADDED] Also, complementary quests to go with Nightmare Clock Tower to make it worth your time.
  • [ADDED] There is now a roaming Maya Purple in Anthell 1.
  • [ADDED] The instance Sara's Memory has been added. It starts at dali 138,118 which is accessible by going to Kafra -> Dungeons -> Dali
  • [ADDED] Heroic Backpack has been added to the Monster of the Day rewards for 100 Heroic Points as well as to the Cash Shop for 300 Points.
  • [ADDED] Event Point Store has had a few items added to it - Foxtail (MATK+10, Lower Headgear), Rockabilly Hair (No effect, upper headgear)
  • [ADDED] Advanced Safety Ring, Advanced Ring of Flame Lord, and Advanced Ring of Resonance are now in the item database.

With the addition of Nightmare Clock Tower, we aim to change the end game leveling area away from grinding mind numbingly in Nightmare pyramids to somewhere with a more appropriate Time Effort : EXP ratio

All hail our clock overlords, may their reign be eternal

As an aside, I do want to apologize to everyone because I did promise that I would do my best to get Old Glast Heim and Faceworm out in this maint. Unfortunately, it was out of my hands and the option was to either do this maint now, or delay it until those two things were ready, but I felt it would be better to get all of this content out rather than make you all wait even longer.

Wiki-Edit (Konayuki): Really Morph? Template:Maintenance/End