Prontera Culverts Entrance Quest

From Elves Ragnarok Online
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Items: 3 Red Potions, 1 Milk, 1 Orange Potion
Experience: Base EXP: Job EXP:
None None
Quest Reward(s): Access to the Template:MapLink

1. Go to Prontera and enter the Knight Guild (Located at 48, 343).

2. Once inside, talk to the Recruiter and tell him that you want to Volunteer. Once your registration is complete, he will thank you and give items to aid you in battle against the darkness. You will receive:

3. After your conversation with him, he will warp you outside Prontera Culvert. Talk to the Culvert Guardian and he will let you enter the Template:MapLink.


External Links

Template:Navbox Map Access Quests