Sashimi Knife Quest

From Elves Ragnarok Online
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Item(s) (Consumed): Candy (Varies), Crab Shell (Varies), Conch (Varies), Fish Tail (Varies), China (Varies), 300 Heart of Mermaid
Items: Sashimi Knife
Experience: Base EXP: Job EXP:
None None

1. Go to the Amatsu Sushi Bar, found at coordinates 214, 116. Go inside and talk to the Sushi Master. The 3rd option in the dialogue window asks you to help the master with something. When you choose this he will ask you to bring him certain items and when you return you will be rewarded:

2. The secret is to bring the items requested until he has asked you to bring 100 Heart of Mermaid three times. The 3rd time he will thank you and give you a Sashimi Knife. It is reported that the Heart of Mermaid is only requested very rarely; users often report getting thousands of sushi from him without being asked for the Heart of Mermaid once.

  • Note: Do not bring more items than the Sushi Master requests. If you have 50 Candy in your inventory he will take all of them. However, it will only count towards the 10 he originally asked for.