
From Elves Ragnarok Online
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Below are listed the skills that are unique to the Wizard class. For more information about Mage skills, click here.

Skill Description Levels Type
Template:Skill List Causes the earth below a target to rise and strike a target for up to a maximum of 5 times. 5 Offensive
Template:Skill List Summons a pillar of fire on a target spot that acts similarly to a trap, dealing MDEF-ignoring damage. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Strikes surrounding enemies with water elemental damage with the chance of freezing them. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Raises the ground in a 5x5 area around a target area, dealing damage similar to Earth Spike. 5 Offensive
Template:Skill List Summons a shield of ice 5 cells wide in front of the caster. 10 Active
Template:Skill List Launches an orb of lightning that hits multiple times while pushing the target back. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Summons explosive bolts of destruction in a 9x9 area that deals 10 strikes per second. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Calls forth a wave of meteors from the sky that strike multiple times, each with the chance to stun a target. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Turns a 5x5 area of ground into a marshland that lowers AGI and DEX, and removes certain buffs. 5 Active
Template:Skill List Analyzes a target, allowing the user and any party members to view an enemy's stats. 1 Active
Template:Skill List Projects the fireball summoned by the Sight skill to knock enemies back and deal damage. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Summons a destructive blizzard in a 7x7 target area that can freeze enemies within it. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Uses water beneath the caster to launch a shower of water balls at a target. 5 Offensive

Quest Skills

Skill Description Levels Type Job Level
Template:Skill List Summon a protective fireball that lasts for 2 minutes, hitting any enemy that comes within a 3x3 area, knocking them back. 1 Offensive 30 Sight Blaster Quest

External Links

Template:Navbox Wizard Template:Navbox Classes