2013 Easter Event

From Elves Ragnarok Online
Revision as of 03:32, 6 January 2023 by wiki>Conica
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The Easter Bunny has returned, and he's hidden more eggs!

Look throughout Midgard's various fields and dungeons in order to find these eggs, bring them back to the Easter Bunny, and you could win prizes!

Happy Easter!

How To Participate

Eggs can be found in dungeons and fields.

  • You are allowed to look for Eggs with your friends.
  • When you speak to an Egg, a dialog box will open.
  • While this is open, your friends will be able to click the egg as well.
  • Once everyone in your egg finding party has clicked the egg, someone will close the window and be warped back to their savepoint.
  • After they have been warped, you will only have 5 seconds to close the window before the Egg disappears.
    • If you do not close the window in time, you will not receive your egg points!
  • If you receive your Egg Shells, take them to the Easter Bunny in front of the tower in Geffen, and he will exchange them for a prize!


Prizes are random, if you receive a duplicate you will be able to exchange it with Eggy, the Egg sitting beside the Easter Bunny next to the tower in the center of Geffen, for 5 Egg Shells each.

Please keep in mind that in order to request an exchange, you must have at least two of one of the possible headgear prizes

Eir & Tyr

  • When you find an egg, you also will receive pancakes