Paper Bag Hat Quest

From Elves Ragnarok Online


A Hideous Creature inside the Prontera Culvert is feeling sad about being ugly. You tried to sympathize with his unfortunate situation but he turned you ugly and only to be insulted by some Hot Obnoxious Chick inside the same culvert. Since he doesn't get much stuff inside his hiding place, he would offer you a paper bag to cover your face in return for some food, items and zeny.


  • Warp to the Template:MapLink. You can do this by talking to the Warpra / Kafra.
  • Head to the north-west corner and speak to a Hideous Creature (Located at 10 310), he will tell you a sad story about being ugly.
  • Sympathize with him, and he will turn you ugly to show you how it feels.
  • Walk back to the entrance where you arrived and talk to a Hot Obnoxious Chick (Located at 133 256). She will put you down with insults on how ugly your face is.
  • Return to the Hideous Creature and tell him you know how it feels now.
  • He will give you a list of items. Bring him the required items to make the Paper Bag Hat.

Required Items



Complete this quest and you will receive a Paper Bag Hat.


