Recolour Drooping Cat Quest

From Elves Ragnarok Online


Katerina just loves kitties. She will help you recolour your Drooping Kitty. But what is she doing in Niflheim?


  • Warp to Niflheim.
  • Walk towards the western portion of the town near the river.
  • Search for Katerina (Located at 87 195).
  • Give her the required items to make the headgear of your choice.

Required Items

1 Drooping Cat

  • Dyestuffs (Depending on the colour you want)
Pink Drooping Cat :  1 Violet Dyestuffs
Blue Drooping Cat :  1 Cobaltblue Dyestuffs
Gray Drooping Cat :  1 White Dyestuffs


From Left to Right: Pink Drooping Cat, Blue Drooping Cat, Gray Drooping Cat




See Drooping Cat, Smokie Leaf, Lazy Smokie & Blue Fish Quest for information on how to create a Drooping Cat.