Royal Operations Quest/Poring Party Planner

From Elves Ragnarok Online


Poring Party Planner is one of three Tier 2 Missions available for Royal Operations. The Map is a duplicate of Geffen Field 09 (gef_fild09).

Ghostring is planning to set-up a surprise party for Arc Angeling! But the nasty Devirings along with his comrades, stole all his party supplies and gifts! Your job is to locate all the stolen items by killing all the monsters around the map.


  • As soon as you are warped to the quest map, start killing all the monsters around until your party start getting a Map-Wide message.
    • Killing a Deviring will grant you 100% chance of getting a stolen item although killing one will take time.
    • Killing a Deviruchi, Mini Demon or a Diabolic will grant you a ??chance of getting a stolen item.
  • The stolen items are as follows:
Party Favors
Punch Bowl
Party Games
Ice Cream
Small, pink gift
Large, polka dotted gift
Square Gift
Unwrapped Gift
Lumpy Gift
Gift Card
Tricycle with a bow
Poring Party Hat
Poporing Party Hat
Marin Party Hat
Metaling Party Hat
Deviling Party Hat
Drops Party Hat
Angeling Party Hat
Archangeling Party Hat
  • Once you have obtained the last stolen item (Archangeling Party Hat), you can now go back to Ghostring to start the party! A message "We are ready to start the party!" will appear to confirm that you have obtained all the items Ghostring needs.
    • You must talk to Ghostring to finish the quest and get the rewards. Monsters will still remain in the map even if you have finished the quest.
    • In the event of death after finishing the quest and none of your party members 'Lot' on the Treasure Box, the rewards will be distributed when the waiting time ends.


Mini Demon


From left to right: Archangeling, Angeling, Deviling, Drops, Marin, Metaling, Poporing Party Hat

Items, Equipment & Skills



  • Bathory Card
  • Dark Lord Card
  • Baphomet Card or any equipment that can do splash damage.
  • Any Equipment that can reflect damage.
  • Any Wind-Resist or Fire-Resist Equipment (although, not really necessary).
