Status Icons

From Elves Ragnarok Online


This page lists the various status icons in Ragnarok. These appear on the right-hand side of a player's screen, and serve to let the player know if they are under any beneficial or adverse effects.

  • Note: Names in BOLD are currently not available in-game.

Status Icons

Name Description Icon
Attack Speed Up Indicates that the player is currently under the effects of a speed enhancing potion. This icon displays for File:645.gif Concentration Potion, File:656.gif Awakening Potion, and File:657.gif Berserk Potion. File:Attack Speed Up.png
Attention Concentrate Indicates that a player currently has Attention Concentrate on. While in this state the player will have their Agility and Dexterity increased. File:I Attention Concentrate.png
Auto Spell Indicates that the skill Auto Spell is currently active, and will allow the Sage character to auto cast bolt skills when attacking. File:I Auto Spell.png
Chemical Protection Armor Indicates that the player has his armor protected by an Alchemist's coat. This prevents armor from being broken or divested. File:I Chemical Protection Armor.png
Chemical Protection Helm Indicates that the player has his/her headgear protected by an Alchemist's coat. This prevents headgear from being broken or divested. File:I Chemical Protection Helm.png
Chemical Protection Shield Indicates that the player has his shield protected by an Alchemist's coat. This prevents shield from being broken or divested. File:I Chemical Protection Shield.png
Chemical Protection Weapon Indicates that the player has his/her weapon protected by an Alchemist's coat. This prevents weapon from being broken or divested. File:I Chemical Protection Weapon.png
Bard Song Indicates that a player currently has his/her performance increased by a Bard's song. File:I Bards Song.png
Dancer's Dance Indicates that a player currently has his/her performance increased by a Dancer's dance. File:I Dancers Dance.png
Energy Coat Indicates that a Mage player currently has Energy Coat on. Energy Coat reduces damage received from attacks but drains your SP each time you are hit. File:I Energy Coat.png
Gangster's Paradise Indicates that a Rogue player is currently under the effect of Gangster's Paradise. File:I Gangsters Paradise.png
Loud Exclamation Indicates that a merchant player currently has Loud Exclamation on. While in this state the player will have their Strength stat increased by 4. File:I Crazy Uproar.png
Falcon Indicates that a Hunter player is currently renting a falcon. The falcon allows you to perform Falcon specific skills and assists you when performing regular attacks. File:I Falcon.png
Peco Riding Indicates that a Knight or Crusader player is currently riding a Pecopeco. The Pecopeco increases a player's Movement Speed and carrying capacity, and allows the player to cast skills that require the player to be mounted. File:I Peco Riding.png
Trick Dead Indicates that a Novice player is currently playing dead. File:I Trick Dead.png

Elemental Endowment Status Icons

Name Description Icon
Aspersio The player currently has his weapon endowed with Holy element by a Priest. Each of the players attacks will deal Holy element damage. File:I Aspersio.png
Enchant Poison The player currently has his weapon endowed with Poison element by an Assassin. Each of the players attacks will deal Poison element damage. File:I EnchantPoison.png
Flame Launcher The player currently has his weapon endowed with Fire element by a Sage. Each of the players attacks will deal Fire element damage. File:I Flame Launcher.png
Seismic Weapon The player currently has his weapon endowed with Earth element by a Sage. Each of the players attacks will deal Earth element damage. File:I Seismic Weapon.png
Lightning Loader The player currently has his weapon endowed with Wind element by a Sage. Each of the players attacks will deal Wind element damage. File:I Lightning Loader.png
Frost Weapon The player currently has his weapon endowed with Water element by a Sage. Each of the players attacks will deal Water element damage. File:I Frost Weapon.png
Warm Wind (Earth) The player has endowed with Earth element using the TaeKwon skill Warm Wind. Each of the players attacks will deal earth element damage. File:I Warm Wind Earth.png
Warm Wind (Wind) The player has endowed with Wind element using the TaeKwon skill Warm Wind. Each of the players attacks will deal Wind element damage. File:I Warm Wind Wind.png
Warm Wind (Water) The player has endowed with Water element using the TaeKwon skill Warm Wind. Each of the players attacks will deal Water element damage. File:I Warm Wind Water.png
Warm Wind (Fire) The player has endowed with Fire element using the TaeKwon skill Warm Wind. Each of the players attacks will deal Fire element damage. File:I Warm Wind Fire.png
Warm Wind (Ghost) The player has endowed with Ghost element using the TaeKwon skill Warm Wind. Each of the players attacks will deal Ghost element damage. File:I Warm Wind Ghost.png
Warm Wind (Shadow) The player has endowed with Shadow element using the TaeKwon skill Warm Wind. Each of the players attacks will deal Shadow element damage. File:I Warm Wind Shadow.png
Warm Wind (Holy) The player has endowed with Holy element using the TaeKwon skill Warm Wind. Each of the players attacks will deal Holy element damage. File:I Warm Wind Holy.png

Expanded Classes Status Icons

Name Description Icon
Kaahi A Soul Linker status that recovers HP when hit at the cost of the player's SP. File:I Kaahi.png
Kaizel Soul Linker status that revives the player instantly upon death. File:I Kaizel.png
Kaupe Soul Linker status that completely blocks a single attack by chance. File:I Kaupe.png
Adjustment Gunslinger status that boosts Flee and ranged damage resistance at the cost of accuracy. File:I Adjustment.png
Gatling Fever Gunslinger status that boosts a player's ASPD and damage with a gatling gun. File:I GatlingFever.png
Increasing Accuracy Gunslinger status that increases Dexterity and Agility by 4. File:I Increasing Accuracy.png
Madness Canceller Gunslinger status that boosts ATK and ASPD at the cost of being unable to move. File:I Madness Canceller.png
Cast-off Ciceda Shell Ninja status that allows the caster to evade attacks, moving him/her away from the opponent. File:I Cast-Off Ciceda Shell.png
Illusionary Shadow Ninja status that allows the caster to evade attacks. File:I Illusionary Shadow.png
Soul Ninja status that boosts Intelligence and Strength, and allows for advanced Ninja skills to be cast. File:I Soul.png
Comfort of the Sun Star Gladiator status that increases the player's defense. File:I Comfort of the Sun.png
Comfort of the Moon Star Gladiator status that increases the player's Flee. File:I Comfort of the Moon.png
Comfort of the Stars Star Gladiator status that increases the player's ASPD. File:I Comfort of the Stars.png
Break Fall TaeKwon Kid status that allows the player to evade ranged attacks by chance. File:I Break Fall.png
Enjoyable Rest TaeKwon Kid status that indicates a player can use an Earth Spike scroll while only consuming SP. File:I Gloria.png
Prepare Counter Kick TaeKwon Kid status that allows the player to trigger a stance when attacking. File:I Prepare Counter Kick.png
Prepare Axe Kick TaeKwon Kid status that allows the player to trigger a stance when attacking. File:I Prepare Axe Kick.png
Prepare Round Kick TaeKwon Kid status that allows the player to trigger a stance when attacking. File:I Prepare Round Kick.png
Prepare Whirlwind Kick TaeKwon Kid status that allows the player to trigger a stance when attacking. File:I Prepare Whirlwind Kick.png
Running TaeKwon Kid status that indicates that he/she recieves bonus attack power and Strength while unarmed. File:I Running.png

Holy Skills Status Icons

Name Description Icon
Angelus The player's VIT-based defense is increased. File:I Angelus.png
Assumptio The player takes half damage from all attacks. File:I Assumptio.png
Blessing The player's STR, INT, and DEX is increased. File:I Blessing.png
B.S Sacramenti The player's armor is temporarily enchanted with the Holy element. File:I BS Sacrimenti.png
Devotion The player is being protected by a Crusader who is taking hits for them. File:I Devotion.png
Gloria The player's LUK is increased. File:I Gloria.png
Increase Agility The player's Movement Speed and AGI is increased. File:I Increase Agility.png
Impositio Manus The player's attack power is increased. File:I Impositio Manus.png
Kyrie Eleison The player is protected from a certain amount of damage. File:I Kyrie Eleison.png
Lex Aeterna The player takes double damage from the next attack. File:I Lex Aeterna.png
Magnificat The player's natural HP and SP regeneration occur at double rate. File:I Magnificant.png
Providence The player takes reduced damage from both Holy and Shadow element attacks. File:I Providence.png
Signum Crucis The player's defense is reduced. File:I Signum Crucis.png
Slow Poison The player does not lose HP from being Poisoned. File:I Slow Poison.png
Suffragium The next skill cast by the player will cast faster. File:I Suffragium.png

Item Status Icons

Name Description Icon
Bubble Gum The player is currently under the effects of File:12210.gif Bubblegum. The player will receive double drop rates from monsters killed. File:I Bubble Gum.png
Battle Manual The player is currently under the effects of the File:12208.gif Field Manual. The player will receive 50% more experience from monsters killed. File:I Field Manual.png
Life Insurance The player is currently under the effects of File:12209.gif Life Insurance. If the player dies he/she will not lose any experience. File:I Life Insurance.png
Pastry Item The player currently has his/her stats increased by a pastry item. This icon displays for File:12122.gif Sesame Pastry, File:12123.gif Honey Pastry, and File:12124.gif Rainbow Cake. File:I Food Pastry.png
Cold Resist Potion The player currently takes reduced damage from water element attacks, but increased damage from wind. File:I ResCold.png
Earth Resist Potion The player currently takes reduced damage from earth element attacks, but increased damage from fire. File:I ResEarth.png
Fire Resist Potion The player currently takes reduced damage from Fire element attacks, but increased damage from water. File:I ResFire.png
Lightning Resist Potion The player currently takes reduced damage from wind element attacks, but increased damage from earth. File:I ResWind.png
Agility Food The player currently has his/her AGI increased by consuming a food item. File:I Food Agi.png
Dexterity Food The player currently has his/her DEX increased by consuming a food item. File:I Food Dex.png
Intelligence Food The player currently has his/her INT increased by consuming a food item. File:I Food Int.png
Luck Food The player currently has his/her LUK increased by consuming a food item. File:I Food Luk.png
Strength Food The player currently has his/her STR increased by consuming a food item. File:I Food Str.png
Vitality Food The player currently has his/her VIT increased by consuming a food item. File:I Food Vit.png

Adverse Status Icons

Name Description Icon
50% Weight The player is currently over 50% of his/her carrying capacity. This prevents the player from naturally recovering HP and SP. File:I Weight 50.png
90% Weight The player is currently over 90% of his/her carrying capacity. This prevents the player from naturally recovering HP and SP and using any active skills. File:I Weight 90.png
Broken Weapon The player has their weapon broken. File:I Break Weapon.png
Broken Armor The player has their armor broken. File:I Break Armor.png
Critical Wounds The effects of any Heals cast on the player, or recovery items consumed are reduced by some amount (in percent). The amount depends on the skill's Level. File:I Critical Wounds.png
Decrease Agility The player is currently under the effects of Decrease Agility. This reduces the player's AGI and slows their Movement Speed by 25%. File:I Decrease Agility.png
External Bleeding The player is currently affected by bleeding status. The player's HP decreases rapidly. File:I External Bleeding.png
Hallucination The player is currently hallucinating. When hallucinating the player will have his/her vision impaired, be unable to properly judge damage being dealt to themselves and flinch when targeted by any attack regardless of whether that attack connects. File:I Hallucination.png
Hell's Power The player is currently inflicted with the Hell's Power status. This prevents the player from being revived by the skill Resurrection for several minutes. File:I Hells Power.png
Quagmire The player is currently affected by Quagmire status. This reduces a player's DEX and AGI. File:I Quagmire.png
Slow Casting The player is currently inflicted by the slow cast status. All skills has their cast time increased by a certain percentage, which depends on this skill's level. File:I Slow Cast.png
Strip Armor The player has had his/her armor stripped away by a Rogue. While active the player is unable to re-equip their armor. File:I Strip Armor.png
Strip Helm The player has had his/her headgear stripped away by a Rogue. While active the player is unable to re-equip their headgear. File:I Strip Helm.png
Strip Shield The player has had his/her shield stripped away by a Rogue. While active the player is unable to re-equip his shield. File:I Strip Shield.png
Strip Weapon The player has had his/her weapon stripped away by a Rogue. While active the player is unable to re-equip his weapon. File:I Strip Weapon.png
Tarot Card of Fate The player is currently inflicted by an effect from a Gypsy or Clown's skill, Tarot Card of Fate. The effects vary depending on the card drawn on the player. File:I Tarot Card of Fate.jpg

Skill Status Icons

Name Description Icon
Adrenaline Rush Blacksmith support skill that boosts a player's attack speed with mace and axe weapons. File:I Adrenaline Rush.png
Amplify Magic Power High Wizard skill. Indicates that magic attack is increased by 50%. File:I Amplify Magic Power.png
Auto Berserk Skill that causes Provoke status on yourself when your HP drops low enough. File:I Berserk.png
Auto Guard Crusader skill that blocks incoming melee damage. File:I Auto Guard.png
Cart Boost Whitesmith skill that boosts Movement Speed and allows casting of Cart Termination. File:I Cart Boost.png
Cloaking Skill that hides the player from sight and allows the player to move around. File:I Cloaking.png
Close Confine Rogue skill that locks a Rogue and target player together preventing them from moving. File:I Close Confine.png
Critical Explosion Monk skill that boosts critical rate and allows casting of Asura Strike. File:I Critical Explosion.png
Defender Crusader skill that greatly reduces ranged damage. File:I Defender.png
Double Casting Professor skill that gives the chance to double cast bolt type skills. File:I Double Cast.jpg
Enchant Deadly Poison Assassin Cross skill that greatly increases physical attack damage. File:I Enchant Deadly Poison.jpg
Endure Skill that increases mdef and prevents flinching. File:I Endure.png
Hiding Thief skill that renders a player immobile, but hidden from sight and immune to area damage except Heaven's Drive. File:I Hiding.png
Joint Beat Lord Knight skill that causes various status effects. File:I Head Crush.png
Land Skill Cast After casting Deluge, Volcano, or Violent Gale, a Sage can cast new land skills without the gemstone requirement. File:I Land Recast.jpg
Marionette Control The player is having stats endowed to him/her by a Gypsy or Clown. File:I Marionette Control.png
Maximize Power Blacksmith skill that causes all attacks to strike for maximum damage. File:I Maximize Power.png
Maximum Over Thrust Whitesmith skill that boosts physical attack power. File:I Maximum Over Thrust.jpg
Melt Down Whitesmith skill that breaks armor and weapon when you attack. File:I Melt Down.png
One-Hand Quicken Knight skill that boosts attack speed with a one handed sword. File:I One-Hand Quicken.png
Over Thrust Blacksmith skill that boosts physical attack power. File:I Over Thrust.png
Parrying Lord Knight skill that allows the player to evade physical damage. File:I Parry.png
Poison React Assassin skill that counters poison element attacks. File:I Poison React.png
Preserve Stalker skill that prevents copying of skills for intimidate. File:I Preserve.jpg
Provoke Swordman skill status that reduces defense but boosts attack power. File:I Provoke.png
Reject Sword Stalker skill that reflects sword based attacks from players and attacks from monsters. File:I Reflect Sword.png
Shield Reflect Crusader skill that reflects physical damage back at the attacker. File:I Shield Reflect.png
Tension Relax Lord Knight skill that triples HP regeneration while sitting. File:I Tension Relax.png
True Sight Sniper skill that boosts hit, critical, attack speed, and damage. File:I True Sight.png
Shrink Crusader skill that knocks opponents back when you block an attack with Guard. File:I Shrink.png
Sight Blaster Wizard skill that throws an opponent away if they come too close. File:I Sight Blaster.png
Spear Quicken Crusader skill that increases attack speed with a spear. File:I QuickenSpear.png
Tunnel Drive After using the stealth skill a Stalker gains a boost to his/her STR for a period of time. File:I Tunnel Drive.jpg
Two-Hand Quicken Knight skill that boosts attack speed with a two handed sword. File:I Two-Hand Quicken.png
Weapon Perfection Blacksmith skill that negates the size penalty of the equipped weapon. File:I Weapon Perfection.png
Wind Walk Sniper skill that boosts AGI and movement speed. File:I Wind Walk.png