2010 Valentine's Event

From Elves Ragnarok Online


Players took a Compatibility Quiz and saw how suited they were for their valentine or found one if they didn't have one! Quiz questions consisted of the following:


  • Do you already have a valentine on RebirthRO?
    • Yes / No
Yes No
  • What's their character name?
    • Input name of character (Must Exist)
  • Your idea of the perfect romantic evening is...
    • Staying home together
    • A romantic dinner
    • A mountain hike
    • Going to the movies
  • If you were to send or receive flowers, they would be...
    • A dozen red roses
    • Tropical flowers
    • Hand picked flowers
    • I don't like flowers
  • The best time to give a gift to your valentine...
    • Any day
    • Birthdays
    • Our anniversary
    • Meh...
  • If you were to write a letter to your valentine, it would include...
    • A greeting card
    • A love poem
    • A cute drawing
    • A todo list
  • After a busy week of work or school, what do you want to do first?
    • Kiss my valentine
    • Talk about the week
    • Take a nap
    • Go out with friends
  • How far in advance do you like to make plans?
    • What are plans?
    • Two weeks
    • The day before
    • A couple hours
  • In your spare time do you prefer to...
    • Read
    • Watch television
    • Play games
    • Sleep
  • How important is your religion to you?
    • I don't have one
    • Spiritual, not religious
    • Very important
    • Not important
  • Do you prefer to...
    • Talk
    • Listen
    • Both equally
    • Neither
  • Do you enjoy finding out what makes things work the way they do?
    • I like knowing everything
    • Sometimes
    • Who cares?
    • Only when bored
  • Which gender do you prefer?
    • Girls
    • Boys
    • Either
  • If you were to send or receive flowers, they would be...
    • A dozen red roses
    • Tropical flowers
    • Hand picked flowers
    • I don't like flowers
  • The best time to give a gift to your valentine...
    • Any day
    • Birthdays
    • Our anniversary
    • Meh...
  • If you were to write a letter to your valentine, it would include...
    • A greeting card
    • A love poem
    • A cute drawing
    • A todo list
  • After a busy week of work or school, what do you want to do first?
    • Kiss my valentine
    • Talk about the week
    • Take a nap
    • Go out with friends
  • How far in advance do you like to make plans?
    • What are plans?
    • Two weeks
    • The day before
    • A couple hours
  • In your spare time do you prefer to...
    • Read
    • Watch television
    • Play games
    • Sleep
  • How important is your religion to you?
    • I don't have one
    • Spiritual, not religious
    • Very important
    • Not important
  • Do you prefer to...
    • Talk
    • Listen
    • Both equally
    • Neither
  • Do you enjoy finding out what makes things work the way they do?
    • I like knowing everything
    • Sometimes
    • Who cares?
    • Only when bored


A special, custom headgear was given to couple and those matched valentines most compatible.