A Hidden Past

From Elves Ragnarok Online




  • While inside of Nightmare Pyramids Level 1, walk to the center red dot on the map to find the Bandit NPC (Located at 94, 95) Template:Imgur
  • He will ask you what you're doing there. Depending on your answer, you will have to complete a different task. The following are the steps to complete each task based on the answer provided:
    • Oooh not muuuch~
      • Search the map for some hieroglyphs that will state how to open the door to the next level.
      • There are multiple hieroglyphs and their locations change throughout the day. Their possible locations are as shown: Template:Imgur, Template:Imgur, Template:Imgur
      • After finding a hieroglyph, you need to find a torch to help open the door. Continue following the steps below.
    • Who am I? Who are you!
      • Based off of reading some hieroglyphs, you need to find a torch that when pulled, will show a further set of clues to opening the door.
      • Search around the map for one of the multiple torches, however note that their locations change throughout the day. Their possible locations are as shown: Template:Imgur, Template:Imgur
      • After finding the torch, you need to find the key off one of the dogs in the map. Continue following the steps below.
    • What are YOU doing here?
      • One of the dogs was entrusted with a key that can help open the door.
      • Go throughout the map and kill Nightmare Verits until you receive a key. It's not guaranteed to drop and isn't a normal loot for the mob but it will display in your chatbox when you obtained a key.
      • After obtaining a key, you need to find the crack in a wall to open the door. Continue following the steps below.
    • I'm searching for treasure
      • The door isn't fully opened yet, so you need to find a crack in a wall that has the key to open the door.
      • search throughout the dungeon until you find one of the multiple cracks. Their locations change throughout the day, however their possible locations are as shown: Template:Imgur, Template:Imgur
  • After finding the Crack, the Bandit realizes the door is too heavy for just the two of you to open. He asks you to go find his friend, somewhere in the dungeon. This NPC's location also can change, but his known locations can be: Template:Imgur, Template:Imgur, Template:Imgur.
  • When you have found the friend and returned to the Bandit, he'll let you warp to the second level of Nightmare Pyramids. By warping to the 2nd level, you have completed this quest.

Required Items





External Links

Template:Navbox Rambunctious Ruins Template:Navbox Map Access Quests