
From Elves Ragnarok Online


King Marcel Marollo III of the Maroll Kingdom has been very sick lately. His majesty declared that he has chosen Prince Guillaume or Prince Croix as the next king amongst his 9 sons. Two kings can't share a nation! Only the victorious one shall be appointed and enthroned to be the next king of Maroll. This battle is not just between the two rivalries but it will also determine the future of the kingdom.

Battlegrounds is a PvP System in which two teams compete towards specific objectives in various arenas, and has unique equipment and consumable rewards for participation.

Entering Battlegrounds

To join battle ground press alt+~, there you shall find a "battle" mini icon on the second row (mini icons can be enabled through esc>settings>mini icon - enable "more"). Upon clicking battle, you will open the battle ground window (see below) with four options : Individual, Party, Guild and Tip. The battle grounds operate in a queuing systems, where every participant (either individual or party) is appropriated into the BG queue to Croix or Guilliaume team (or Traitor team, in case of triple inferno). Battlegrounds have 9 different modes, which have been further explained below.



Rules & Features

All Battlegrounds have the same basic set of rules and features.

  • Minimum players required to begin queue are [Thor:] 6 vs 6, [Loki] 6 vs 6
  • Minimum levels required to begin queue are [Thor:] 160, [Loki] 240
  • You may sign up for Battlegrounds at any Town map. This includes, well, all towns, as well as the Eden Group maps and most inside-town maps
  • If you move to a non-town map, your position in the queue will be vacated and you will have to re-join the queue at the end!
  • Team balancing, currently, works "linearly", i.e. it will iterate through the queue adding people to each different team
  • If you queue whilst a game is in progress, and there is room in the game, you will automatically be added to the current game in progress. If the game is full, you be will placed at the end of the queue and must wait until a space becomes available.
  • There will be roughly a 2 minute break between each game in which you can re-supply if you need it. During this time, you may use @veto, which counts a vote against the next game in the rotation. If enough people @veto the next game, it will be skipped. If a game is vetoed, the next game in the rotation cannot be vetoed and will begin within 30 seconds.
  • At any point, you may leave the queue using the Battle button. You can do this inside Battlegrounds as well if you need to leave early.
  • Each team now has a designated "leader" who gain some of the same skill-based buffs as a guild leader does.
  • BG Teams are now also considered as "fake" guilds, so you may now see where each of your teammates are on the mini-map
  • The leader of each team may use @order: this displays a message akin to @guildmes to all people within their team
  • If a player is unhappy with being the leader, they may use @leader to swap leadership to another person on their team.
  • In order to aid teams against AFKers, a system is in place that determines whether or not a player is AFK. The team leader can use @reportafk to kick the person from their team if the system deems them as AFK also.
  • If a player is AFK at the end of a match, the queuing system will automatically remove them during the down-time until the next game starts.
  • Upon entering this area, players are dispelled. This only affects the buffs that can be activated by the player him/herself. Example: A Lord Knight can activate Berserk by themselves, so that skill isn't dispelled on the LK. A Priest can't cast Kaizel on him/herself, that that skill will be dispelled.
  • @commands have been disabled to prevent people from using "@die" to abuse the system.
  • Players will now be dispelled of negative effects when leaving Battlegrounds.
  • The Battlegrounds follow the War of Emperium mechanics rather than PvP mechanics.
  • Skill that cannot be used in War of Emperium cannot be used in the battlegrounds (such as Ice Wall, Teleport, and Warp Portal are prohibited). The Taekwon skills Running and High Jump are also prohibited. (However: Running has been enabled on Loki)
  • The use of alts in battlegrounds is strictly prohibited. No matter how good you think you are, or how many arms you can not physically play multiple clients, with your full attention, at the same time.


** The two teams are based on the rivalries of two sons of King Marollo: Prince Croix, and General Guillaume, who are battling for control of the Maroll Kingdom.
** Players in queue are automatically appropriated into one of the two teams randomly
** Exception : Triple Inferno battleground mode has a third team named Traitors. Who are rebels against belligerent princes of Maroll Kingdom and want to seek a democratic government.
** Croix team players are denoted by Red colored markers, Guillaume team players are denoted by Blue colored markers and Traitor team players (in case of triple inferno mode) are denoted by Green colored markers in the mini map. Neutral objectives are denoted by Yellow colored markers and Unclaimed objectives are denoted by White colored markers in mini map

Battlegrounds Communication

To talk with other queuing players in battleground queue, use the #battlegrounds channel. All queuing information will be displayed automatically in the #battlegrounds channel. You enable/disable #battleground channel by doing @join #battlegrounds/@part #battlegrounds respectively. Alternatively, You can join #battlegrounds channel through Settings NPC.

Players may also use /battlechat. All text typed in /battlechat will appear Purple, and you will only be able to talk to your team when in /battlechat. Party, Guild, and Open chat will not work until /battlechat is deactivated.

Battleground Arenas & Modes

Battle grounds are available in 4 different Arenas which host 9 battleground modes.

Tierra Gorge

The Tierra Gorge is a very steep canyon with two forts residing north and south ends of the map. There is a ration depot for the Guillaume and Croix armies at the 11 and 8 o'clock directions. There is also a neutral objective in the center of the map at 273, 203. The battle starts at your army's ship and you proceed to your objectives based on battleground mode.

Tierra Gorge hosts 3 types of Battleground modes :

  • [Eye of the Storm]
    • This mode is revolved around the neutral objective in the central of the map. The teams contest over the neutral objective and once won, they bring it back to base to increase their score. On repeated actions of the capture, they earn extra points. Winners are the first to get to 99 points!
  • [Domination]
    • This is a cross between capture the flag and base capturing. Both bases on the map are considered neutral and may be captured by either team. In the central area of the map is a neutral flag that may be captured and returned to a team's captured base for bonus points. Each captured base generates a score of one per tick, with a captured flag netting the team a bonus score of five! First team to 99 points win!
  • [Bossnia]
    • This mode is a mixture of PvP and PvM, with each team having to capture and hold a neutral flag in the middle of the arena. Capturing this flag makes the opposite team's Boss vulnerable to attacks! Each team has 5 Bosses and they get continually harder each time! After each Boss' death, the central flag returns to neutral, meaning either team must re-capture it in order to damage the opposite team's Boss. Once all 5 Bosses of a team are dead, they are declared the winner


Flavius is the arena King Marcelo built after learning the feud between his sons. There is a crystal area at the horizontal ends of the map, which is connected to the spawning area of the respective team. The battle starts at the spawning area and you proceed to your objectives based on battleground mode.

Flavius hosts 3 types of Battleground modes :

  • [Capture the Flag]
    • Each team must work together with their teammates in order to capture the opposing team's flag and bring it to their own! Whilst carrying the flag, your walking speed is reduced and you cannot use any items or skills, and your HP will deplete rapidly! But watch out, if the opposing team has your flag then you cannot capture theirs, so a good defense is also a good offence! First to three points win!
  • [Team Deathmatch]
    • It is a classic team deathmatch scenario with each team battling to score the most defeats! Score counts down from 99 to 0 and the first team to 0 wins!
  • [Stone Control]
    • In the central area of the map, there are six stones that each team must try to carry back to their base. As with the flag, the player carrying a stone is left incredibly vulnerable, so good team-play is a must! The first team to acquire all six stones - or the team with the most at the end of the time - win!

War of Emperium Arena

War of Emperium Arena is held by the The Association of Allied Guilds of Rune-Midgard, Arunafeltz and Schwarzwald. It hosts battleground modes similar to woe scenarios to get members ready for actual battle.

War of Emperium Arena hosts two types of battle ground modes :

  • [Conquest]
    • This game takes place in a Schwartzwald Guild Castle. This is a WoE 2.0 simulation, with one team sieging the castle and the other defending it!
  • [Rush]
    • This game takes place in a Baldur Guild Castle. This is a WoE FE simulation but with a twist! Both teams spawn inside an empty castle and must rush to capture and defend it from the other team! The twist is, however, both teams spawn together and must quite literally rush to break the Emperium; except, when the Emperium is broken, the other team are not warped out but remain where they are. The team that broke the emperium is on the defensive mode, which the other team has to challenge the team to break the emp to win!

PVP Arena

The PVP arena is the host to only BG gamemode where there are three teams : Croix, Guillaume and the Traitors. The rebels of Morollo kingdom who want a democratic society contest with the quarreling princes' teams.

Pvp Arena hosts one battleground mode :

  • [Triple Inferno]
    • Each team works together in a team deathmatch-style game mode in which each player killed drops a skull of the colour of their team. You must then run this past the Totems near each group's spawn point in order for the points to count; except, if you die with the skulls they will be lost! First team to 80 wins!

NOTE : You cannot use pets on Triple Inferno , due to abuse (Covering your sprite with pet) and can be punished by the staff

Battlegrounds Rewards

File:7829.gif Battleground badges are the reward items that can be obtained in Battlegrounds. They can be traded in for a variety of different equipment, consumables and costumes.

Every Battleground mode gives out :


The battleground badges can be exchanged for weapons, armors, consumables and costumes at the Eden Mall Battleground area with the BG Armors, BG Weapons, BG Usables and BG Costumes NPCs located at 50, 102. The equipment may have either the prefix Valor or Bravery depending on which battleground they reflect.

If players have the old format's badges (prior to 2016 April, namely Flavius/Tierra/KVM badges/points), can exchange them for the File:7829.gif Battleground badges with the Badge Swapper NPC in Eden Mall Battleground Area.

Reward Type File:7828.gif Battleground badges (Bravery Reward) File:7829.gif Battleground badges (Valor Reward) File:7829.gif Battleground badges (Heroism Reward)

Battlegrounds Enchantments

Marollo Magician

Marollo Magician, who can be found in the Battlegrounds Corner in the Garden of Eden Mall, Now allows you to enchant your Battleground Gears with special enchantments gained from Battlegrounds.

You can slot any two enchantments you want into the third and fourth slot of your Weapons, which he will charge you Badges for. It costs 11 Badges per enchant to slot into weapons. However, he also can sell you some basic enchantments for Badges as well! These are only lower-tier enchantments. There three Unofficial tiers of enchantments ;

  • The lower tiers may be bought from the Marollo Magician.
  • Middle tiers are randomly given out at the end of a Battlegrounds game to someone in the queue.
  • Higher tiers are found extremely rarely at the end of a game, or in Plundered Loot boxes.

A List of the Enchantments can be found here : Battleground Enchantments

Plundered Loot

"What are Plundered Loot boxes!?" I hear you ask? Well these, too, may be rewarded at the end of a Battlegrounds game to a random person in the queue! However, they require a Marollo's Key to open, which may be bought from the Cashshop at the price of 150P.

As for what you can get in each box:

  • Any 7 day Battlegrounds costume
  • Floating Rates, between 150% and 200% for an hour. If Floating Rates are already active, you will add an extra hour onto the currently existing Rates.
  • A random State of the Art box.
  • A permanent variant of any of the Battlegrounds costumes

NOTE : The Plundered Loot are not tradeable; however, the King Marollo's Keys are. Furthermore, all items from the Plundered Loot may be traded, except: any bound items or costumes.