Chaser of the Sun

From Elves Ragnarok Online


You have heard of rumors that someone was able to kill Skoll, Hound of Fire, so you go on and investigate it.


1. Enter the Glastheim Barracks located at the SOUTHEAST corner of the map (glast_01p 335, 50) .

2. Talk to the Soldier, Veidimar located just right of the top portal. He will tell you that he will try nd hunt down the flame hound, Skoll. After saying it's going to be tough, he will tell you of a person who actually defeated the hound. You will be interested in knowing more about the guy but the soldier will tell you that the person is currently on duty and he doesn't know where he is.

3. After talking to the soldier, go out the portal nearest you. Once outside, walk towards the north untill you come across a platoon (glast_01p 330,102) . Speak to the Lieutenant, Blofeld (glast_01p 330, 107). He will tell you that Rerir , the guy who defeated Skoll, is on duty and he can't tell you where he is until you do what he asks. After accepting his offer, he will send you to deliver a message to a certain Major Powell, who is overseeing operations just south of Glastheim.

4. Go outside Glastheim(p) and look for Major Powell (far_isld04 244,69 - southwest corner of the map) and deliver the message. He will tell you to give his regards to the leiutenant.

5. After delivering the message, return to Blofeld. He will ask you to tell Rerir that he wants to speak to him because he ran away and has gone A.W.O.L. since then. They have been lying to the troops regarding Rerir's whereabouts just to keep the troop's morale high. He will tell you that Rerir went EAST and tells you to keep it under wraps.

6. Go to Knocknarea Heights (gef_fild02p - go outside Glastheim(p), walk 2 maps EAST) . Once you start walking, a pop up message will appear, telling you to look for Rerir on a crevasse on the hillside. Go south of the map (gef_fild02p 56,67) and talk to the crevasse. Enter the crevasse. You will end up in a different area.

7. Once inside, talk to Rerir (gefp_cave 97,40) . After asking him why he is hiding in the crevasse, he will tell you that he left the army of Glastheim and didn't know that is was a crown offense. You will then have to choose among four (4) options:

  • "Why are you hiding here?" - tells you that if he's seen by anybody in Glastheim, he will be hung a traitor. If found by the enemies, he will be done much worse. Opens the new option "Don't you have a family?"
  • "Why did you leave the army?" - tells you that he does not agree with the subjugation of the native orcs around Glastheim. Also, tells you that the Queen Reagent is solely responsible for the terrible affair and that this would not have happened if the Lord King was still around. Opens a new option "Why did the King leave?"
  • "You didn't kill Skoll?" - tells you he didn't kill Skoll, he merely wounded it. Told you the story of how they were ambushed by Skoll and is bewildered by the monster's change in behavior. The high command capitalized with his encounter and used it to boost morale among the troops, saying that he killed the beast. People were still missing in Thulean Plateau but the government was quick to cover it up, saying normal monsters killed them. At first it was believed in, but now people are starting to think that Skoll has indeed returned. Even with your praise, Rerir still thinks the government as liars.
  • "Who are you?" - he reintroduces himself and tells you that he has a wife back in glastheim. He will also tell you a little bit about the origins of Skoll. He also tells you that Skoll cannot be killed and that you shouldn't continue with your quest.

8. Choose the 4th option. After that, talk to Rerir again. He will ask you why do you want to kill Skoll. Choose the last option. He will respect you and will give you information on how he managed to wound the monster. He will tell you that Skoll chases the sun as his brother chases the moon. If they succeed, it will bring forth the end of the world. However, the two brothers also fight each other, and having equal strength, win over each other every other time. He will then tell you about a legendary shard, the Shard of Hatii , which he found inside a cave near Terrae. He stabbed Skoll with the shard, causing the monster to let out a roar. The roar caused an earthquake which snapped the shard, letting Skoll scape. He will give you the shard, after which he will send you to talk to a monk of studies the brothers at the Abbey.

9. Go to Abbey and speak to Monk Dawa (Abbey01p 119, 65) . You will show him the shard and he will explain its power. The shard that came from either of the brothers can be made into a weapon which can be used to kill either of the two. Along with the shard, the monk needs the following ingredients to make the weapon:

10. After collecting all the ingredients, give them to Monk Dawa and he will tell you to wait one (1) hour for him to finish the weapon. After the hour has past (you can actually get if even after 1 hour but the minimum waiting time is 1 hour to the dot), return to him and he will give you [Claw of Hatii [3].

NOTE:- After this part, you can make the weapon again just by giving Monk Dawa the same ingredients.

11. After receiving the weapon go back to Rerir who, after showing him the finished weapon, concedes and agrees to go back to Glastheim one more time. He then asks you to meet him and his wife there.

12. Go back to Glastheim(p) and talk to them at their secret meeting place (Glast_01p 241, 291) . The two will talk to each other, Lengja scolding Rerir why he came back and the latter teasing her by asking why she is still here in their secret meeting place. The quarrel is finished when they both remember why Rerir is doing this:- to avenge their daughter, Acele. Rerir then asks Lengja to use her magic so that both of you can go where Skoll is hiding. Lengja agrees, but insists on coming with you. You will be then given an option box where you will choose either:-

  • A. Let her join. - Lengja will then go with you to the lair.
  • B. Let her stay. - Lengja will get mad at you for interferring with family matter but after Rerir's explanation, she will calm down and will agree to help you and Rerir enter Skoll's lair.

Choose either. After doing so Lengja will teleport Rerir then tells you to just talk to her when you're ready. After mustering your strength, talk to her and be teleported to the instance map.

13. After gearing up your character, speak to Lengja and she will teleport you to the instance map. Talk to Rerir and then go to the warp portal on top of the first map. Once you enter, you will arrive to a map where there are orbs at the top of the map. Talk to Rerir and he will tell that the orbs may have a clue. Click on the orb to the right (as it's the only orb that can be clicked at this time) and you will enter Skoll's lair. Defeat Skoll then go to the circle at the end of the map. Click it and you will go back to the orb room. Now click the orb to the left and you will enter Hatii's map. Defeat Hatii and then click the circle at the end of the map. Again you will arrive at the orb room.

NOTE:- There may be a bug wherein if you find either of the MVPs with low HP that you won't be able to continue unless you kill them again at 100% HP. Just kill them again if this happens to you.

14. After killing both Skoll and Hatii, talk to Rerir and he will congratulate you. He will then tell you to go into the middle circle at the top of the map. You will arrive at another map. Rerir will tell you that he's suspicious or the map. Afterwards, depending on your choice whether to leave Lengja behind or take her with you, a scene will appear. If you chose:

a. Let Lengja join.
15a. Skoll suddenly appears and confronts all of you. Rerir tells you to use the claw against Skoll. The hound, on the verge of defeat calls is brother to aide him. Rerir will help you but will be outmatched. Skoll will try to kill him but Lengja throws herself in the middle of the fight where she gets killed by Skoll. at thi point Acele appears and stops the two hounds. You are both shocked that Rerir's daughter whom he thought died is actually alive and is being treated as the hounds' "Princess". Acele laments on her mother's passing and tells you to get them out of the place.
16a. After talking to Acele, you will be teleported back to Rerir's hideout. Talk to Acele and he will thank you for saving them and as a reward, gives you the Skoll's Ears (Costume). This ends the quest.
b. Let Langja Stay in Glastheim(p).
15b. Skoll suddenly appeared and confronted you both. After a couple of dialogues, Rerir will instruct you to use the claw on Skoll. You click on Skoll and "stab" him with the claw. Before you could do anything more, Skoll calls on his brother, Hatii, who appears on the other side of the room. Rerir tries to help but was killed in the process. Before they can defeat you, Acele, Rerir's daughter who he thought was killed by Skoll, appeared and ordered both hounds to stop and go away. You are confused when they both obeyed Acele and even called her "their Princess". After the hounds have gone, Acele asked you to take her out of the place before the hounds come back. She also sensed her mother's magic to you and decided that all of you will go to her. Click on Acele and you will be teleported back to Lengja's location in Glastheim(p).
16b. After arriving at Glastheim, talk to Acele. She will lament her father's passing but is rejoiced that she is reunited with her mother. She will tell you why she was taken by Skoll and as a reward for saving her, she will give you the Skoll's Ears (Costume). This ends the quest.
NOTE:- After finishing the quest, you can reenter the instance map just by talking to Lengja.

Required Items


Completion of A Glast from the Past
Completion of Grab yer Sealegs!

