Custom Equipment

From Elves Ragnarok Online

Artistry and Crafting

For more information, see: Artistry and Crafting System

Biolabs Basement

For more information, see: Biolabs B1

Cedi MVP System

For more information, see: Cedi MVP System

A Glast from the Past

For more information, see: A Glast from the Past

Guild Dungeon / Hall Of Abyss

For more information, see: Hall of Abyss
For more information on the specific catalogues, see: TAGRAS Catalogue and Bellum and Siege Catalogue

Itty Bitty Poring City

For more information, see: Itty Bitty Poring City


For more information, see: Melanis

Quest Specific Equipment

For more information please check the item(s) corresponding quest page:

Royal Operations

For more information, see: Royal Operations

Toy Testing Centre

For more information, see: Toy Testing Centre