Eye of Hellion Quest

From Elves Ragnarok Online
Base Level: 60
Item(s) (Consumed): 1 Blue Gemstone
Zeny: 10,000
Items: Old Blue Box and Nile Rose [1] OR Nile Rose [1]
Experience: Base EXP: Job EXP:
See Guide None

1. Go to Morocc and enter the Inn (Located at 199, 64). Head to the right room and talk to Old Scholar Tyus, and he will tell you that he is waiting for someone. Ask him What you are looking for? and he will talk about a certain jewel with enormous evil energy. He doesn't know the exact location of the jewel so he guides you to Clanux Heffron of Prontera.

2. Go to Prontera and talk to Clanux Heffron (Located at 269, 326) behind the prontera church. Tell him your intentions and and tell him that Chilias "Wants him to help you". He will show you what he has found so far and direct you to the Swordman's Association.

3. Examine the Training Puppet (Located at 224, 80) near the old Swordman's Association. You will discover a strange hole inside. "Inspect the dummy's gash" and you will receive some writings on it: Veggie Lady N9 W3 BINGO!

4. Head back to Clanux Heffron and tell him what you've found. He will tell you that he found a broken cogwheel in the Tool Shop. He will ask you to return to him once you learn something new.

5. Head to the Vegetable Gardener (Located at 49, 57) and walk 9 steps north and 3 steps west from her (46, 66). When prompted, type BINGO and she will be happy that someone has finally made it. She will tell you a secret code so make sure to remember which one you will get. You will either get 3847147298 or 16754213.

6. Next, head to the Tool Shop (Located at 136, 219) and you will find an Unknown Machine next to the Tool Dealer. Examine the machine and insert the Cogwheel on it. Once successful, it will need you to enter the numbers you received from the Vegetable Gardener. You will receive the first piece of the slate.

7. Once you have the item, go back to Clanux Heffron and "Tell him just a little bit". Go back to Old Scholar Tyus in Morocc and he will tell you about a dense forest written in the slate that refers to Payon. He now guides you to Grout'the Tuccok.

8. Go to Payon and find Grout'he Tuccok (Located at 182, 132). Talk to him and he's willing to cooperate if you pay him 10,000 Zeny to buy his clue items. He will give you:

He will show you on the mini-map where he found each of the items one at a time. Everytime you're finished checking a clue, return to Grout'he Tuccok for the next clue.

  • The first item is the Skirt of Virgin near the Resting Place (Located at 102, 192).
  • The second item is Stone Heart hidden inside the Pile of Stone (Located at 80, 110).
  • The third item is Green Herb found inside the Dried Fish (238, 54).
  • The fourth item is Grape Juice found inside the Vat (240, 156).
  • Note: Try not to teleport or enter the warps when searching for clues as you will lose the markers.

9. Once you have double-checked all the locations, go back to Grout'he Tuccok and report your finding. Try to solve the puzzle together and he will plot all the 4 points in the mini-map to reveal a new location. Head to the Wooden Floor (Located at 159, 129). You will need to "Dig through dust" in order to for you to find a message writted by Tyus.

10. Go back to Grout'he Tuccok and tell him about the hidden message. He will now guide you to the Statue of Buddha in the Archer Village.

11. Head to the Template:MapLink, north of Payon, and walk near the Statue of Buddha (Located at 135, 31). The piece of tablet that you have is shining with light in response to something in the area. Click on the statue and the Buddha will talk to you mentally. He will ask you a question and reply with "I won't kill, but I'll find a way to live!". Once successful, a small opening appears below and you will get the second piece of slate.

  • Note: If you chose the wrong answer, Buddha will kill you but no experience is lost.

12. Go back to Old Scholar Tyus and report the good news. He will tell you about the fourth piece of slate in the hands of Sage Welshyun of Geffen. Before you leave, he hands you the third piece of the slate.

13. Go to Geffen and talk to Sage Welshyun (Located at 110, 200). Ask him for his help and he will ask you to do him a little favor first by bringing him the report of "Monster Life in the Geffen Area" from his apprentice, Enoz at the top of the Geffen Tower.

14. Head to the top of the Geffen Tower and talk to Enoz (Located at 116, 37). Tell him that Welshyun has sent you and ask him about the book Monster Life in the Geffen Area. He insists that Welshyun has already taken the report three days ago.

15. Go back to Welshyun and he passes the report that he asked you to find him back to Enoz. On your back, he asks you to get him 1 Blue Gemstone

16. Go back to Geffen Tower and after passing the report to Enoz, go back to Welshyun and bring the Blue Gemstone that asked for. He will then ask you a strange questions; "Where is the abode with a shining silver roof that is mentioned in the third part of the balld of Grimnir?" Answer him with Valaskjalf and he gives you hands in the final piece of the slate.

17. Once you have all the four pieces of the slate, head back to Old Scholar Tyus. He tells you each of the slate contains a fragment of the cursed jewel and only Sage Welshyun is the only one to combine the fragments of jewel into one.

18. Go back to Sage Welshyun and he will use the Blue Gemstone you gave him earlier and then combine the 4 Pieces of Slate into a a complete tablet.

19. Once you have the tablet, he will send you to Template:MapLink, the map location of the Sealed Cave. To find the entrance to the cave, walk west from where you are warped and you should see a black area (Located at 295, 56). "Insert the tablet." to the Hidden Cave and you will be teleported to Template:MapLink.

  • Note: You can complete the quest now by going back to Tyus in Morroc without killing Template:MonsterLink.

20. You find the Template:MonsterLink inside and after beating him, he'll drop Eye of Hellion.

21. Go back to Old Scholar Tyus and tell him about the slate, the message, the Sealed Cave and his grandfather's death (if you beat Template:MonsterLink). He'll thank you and start the Sealing Ceremony on the Jewel of Hellion.

22. After sealing it, Tyus will reward you depending on the circumstances.

A) Killed Template:MonsterLink:

B) Did not killed Template:MonsterLink:

  • Nile Rose [1] and Experience
  • 100,000,000 (Loki/Tyr) or 5,000,000 (Eir) Base Experience