Lasagna Mechanics

From Elves Ragnarok Online


Tarunyan calls upon all Adventurers to join the Doram's cause to reclaim their land back from the Pasta Lady! Once you have agreed to join the Resistance (Kitty Nation), you must wait for every odd hour on Server Time for Tarunyan's announcement!

For more information about the event, visit also Lasagna. File:Lasagna Instance - Scenary.jpg


  • Alt Usage: Alts are not allowed in the Event.
  • Premium Items are allowed, except Angra Manyu and Ahura Mazdah.
  • Max Stat Characters are allowed.
  • @storage is usable. @jump/Teleport is disabled.
  • Once the Instance starts, there will be a 10 minute preparation time, before the first wave of monsters starts.
  • One Re-entry is granted (for 1 minute) upon disconnect or if you die.


There will be 5 waves in total:

  • 3 Waves of Normal Mobs
  • 1 Wave of Mini-Bosses
  • 1 Wave of the Final Boss: the Pasta Lady

You must work together with others to defeated all the normal mobs before the time runs out! And if you don't ... you'll get booted out until next time! And with a little twist, you also have to beat all the mini-bosses to summon the final boss! Otherwise, you lose in the instance again! You can check for the time with @invasion_time and the mobs with @invasion_mobs [1 to 4]! Be warned, most waves are 5 minutes long!

There are also two player modes: Normal and Nightmare.

Normal is the regular mode that will have no drawbacks and will be applied to all who enters.

Nightmare will cut your Damage by 40%. There is an 80% Elemental Cap for all modes!! Nightmare Mode have personal bounty of 5 kills for wave 1-3 (3 kills for easy monster mode, read below), not completing the bounty will warp you back to town.

Also, we have a Shop therefore we have Meow Coins! Meow Coins will be dropped during the instance by mobs at a low chance but, everyone will get a chance to get at least 5 Meow Coins (Nightmare Mode) and 3 Meow Coins (Easy Mode) if the instance is done correctly and completed!

Additionally, There are 2 kinds of monster modes: Easy and Normal.

Normal Mode is regular mode with stats and HP as defined

Easy Mode will have monsters with 30% less HP and Stats. Easy Mode will significantly reduce the drop rate and Meow Coins. Easy monster mode is automatically triggered at 09th and 21th hour.

AFK Mechanism

AFK Mechanism is applied in this map.

The player will be kicked out upon not attacking the monster or not moving for 2 minute.

Kicked Out?

The Citizen uses sight, but don't kill him!

You are eligible to warp back to instance only ONCE, on meeting following condition:

   You were killed by monsters
   You were disconnected due to internet problem or any external factors

However, note that, once you are dead or log out, you only have 1 minute to warp back to the invasion. Clarification: If you are dead and still on the map, timer will still be active, and you won't have any other chance to warp back!

You are NOT eligible to warp back in following cases:

   Killed the citizen
   You have not met the personal bounty in nightmare mode

Beware! The citizen is always reveling hiding players!



The Little Devil - an additional mini feature for Lasagna Invasion.

A deviruchi look alike monster will appear in a random coordinates. This monster will usually prank the players by casting random annoying skills when clicked and then moves to another coordinates. But there's a small chance that this devil monster will give a special costume.

You can find Blitz in Random places in Lasagna. Clicking him will give you a chance do obtain either a rental or a permanent event costume! Or... he will play some tricks on you before he runs away to another location.

Special Costume: Costume:Floating_Periwinkle

File:Floating Periwinkle.gif
Floating Periwinkle

Monsters Types


    *Wave 1: Random Monsters  
    *Wave 2: Random Monsters
    *Wave 3: Random Monsters
    *Wave 4: 4 Mini-Bosses     (Boss monsters type)
    *Wave 5: 1 Boss            (Boss monsters type)

First to Third Wave Monsters

Monster Name ID Level HP Stats Property
File:EvtWildRider.gif Wild Rider 25025 256 11.654.784 HIT: 956 • FLEE: 410

DEF: 74 • MDEF: 32
STR: 324 • AGI: 154
VIT: 148 • INT: 189
DEX: 700 • LUK: 165

Size: Medium

Race: Formless
Element: Water (Lv. 2)

File:SkelionEgg.gif Skelion 25026 200 8.546.174 HIT: 850 • FLEE: 355

DEF: 35 • MDEF: 35
STR: 400 • AGI: 155
VIT: 65 • INT: 136
DEX: 650 • LUK: 350

Size: Medium

Race: Demon
Element: Shadow (Lv. 2)

File:ScatletonEgg.gif Scatleton 25027 150 7.500.600 HIT: 750 • FLEE: 310

DEF: 41 • MDEF: 41
STR: 340 • AGI: 160
VIT: 123 • INT: 200
DEX: 600 • LUK: 250

Size: Small

Race: Demon
Element: Shadow (Lv. 1)

File:EvtMegalodon.gif Megalodon 25028 200 8.600.450 HIT: 900 • FLEE: 400

DEF: 52 • MDEF: 35
STR: 150 • AGI: 200
VIT: 158 • INT: 350
DEX: 700 • LUK: 165

Size: Medium

Race: Fish
Element: Wind (Lv. 2)

File:Eleanor.gif Eleanor 25029 256 11.650.850 HIT: 922 • FLEE: 422

DEF: 66 • MDEF: 66
STR: 666 • AGI: 166
VIT: 66 • INT: 266
DEX: 666 • LUK: 166

Size: Medium

Race: Demi-Human
Element: Neutral (Lv. 3)

File:BasilliskEarth.gif Basilisk 25030 255 8.888.888 HIT: 855 • FLEE: 400

DEF: 58 • MDEF: 44
STR: 300 • AGI: 145
VIT: 124 • INT: 160
DEX: 600 • LUK: 200

Size: Medium

Race: Beast
Element: Earth (Lv. 2)

File:BasilliskFire.gif Basilisk 25031 255 7.777.777 HIT: 855 • FLEE: 405

DEF: 50 • MDEF: 50
STR: 150 • AGI: 150
VIT: 200 • INT: 400
DEX: 600 • LUK: 200

Size: Medium

Race: Beast
Element: Fire (Lv. 2)


Basilisk 25032 255 9.999.999 HIT: 855 • FLEE: 395

DEF: 40 • MDEF: 40
STR: 40 • AGI: 140
VIT: 40 • INT: 400
DEX: 600 • LUK: 200

Size: Medium

Race: Fish
Element: Holy (Lv. 2)

File:AnglerfishEgg.gif Anglerfish 25038 256 11.654.000 HIT: 906 • FLEE: 411

DEF: 49 • MDEF: 67
STR: 255 • AGI: 155
VIT: 117 • INT: 500
DEX: 650 • LUK: 150

Size: Medium

Race: Fish
Element: Water (Lv. 2)

File:EvtCoelacanth.gif Coelacanth 25039 256 9.300.250 HIT: 906 • FLEE: 346

DEF: 71 • MDEF: 26
STR: 424 • AGI: 60
VIT: 102 • INT: 150
DEX: 650 • LUK: 200

Size: Medium

Race: Fish
Element: Earth (Lv. 2)

File:EvtCoelacanthB.gif Coelacanth 25040 256 9.650.400 HIT: 856 • FLEE: 691

DEF: 41 • MDEF: 46
STR: 230 • AGI: 435
VIT: 311 • INT: 254
DEX: 600 • LUK: 249


Race: Fish
Element: Shadow (Lv. 1)

File:EvtCoelacanthR.gif Coelacanth 25041 256 10.148.745 HIT: 876 • FLEE: 433

DEF: 56 • MDEF: 16
STR: 195 • AGI: 177
VIT: 152 • INT: 435
DEX: 620 • LUK: 266

Size: Medium

Race: Fish
Element: Fire (Lv. 2)

Fourth Wave Monsters - 1 Mini Boss each

Monster Name ID Level HP Stats Property
File:Echidnaa.gif Echidina 25033 255 450.666.666 HIT: 1254 • FLEE: 455

DEF: 66 • MDEF: 66
STR: 150 • AGI: 200
VIT: 100 • INT: 500
DEX: 999 • LUK: 200

Size: Medium

Race: Beast
Element: Fire (Lv. 4)

File:SirenEgg.gif Siren 25034 255 500.666.666 HIT: 1254 • FLEE: 405

DEF: 66 • MDEF: 66
STR: 150 • AGI: 150
VIT: 150 • INT: 500
DEX: 999 • LUK: 200

Size: Medium

Race: Beast
Element: Water (Lv. 4)


Lilith 25035 255 600.666.666 HIT: 1254 • FLEE: 455

DEF: 66 • MDEF: 66
STR: 200 • AGI: 200
VIT: 80 • INT: 200
DEX: 999 • LUK: 300

Size: Medium

Race: Demon
Element: Holy (Lv. 4)

File:HeraEgg.gif Hera 25036 255 400.666.666 HIT: 1254 • FLEE: 405

DEF: 66 • MDEF: 66
STR: 666 • AGI: 150
VIT: 66 • INT: 150
DEX: 999 • LUK: 150

Size: Medium

Race: Demon
Element: Dark (Lv. 4)

Final Boss

Monster Name ID Level HP Stats Property
File:Nyalio.gif Nyailo the Pasta Lady 25037 255 854.650.400 HIT: 2755 • FLEE: 595

DEF: 77 • MDEF: 66
STR: 425 • AGI: 340
VIT: 55 • INT: 750
DEX: 2500 • LUK: 465

Size: Medium

Race: Formless
Element: Neutral (Lv. 4)