Maiden Hat

From Elves Ragnarok Online

Maiden Hat
ID: 5211
Tradable: Yes
Storage-able: Yes
Vendable: Yes
Slots: 1
Defence: 2
Equipped On: Upper Headgear
Equippable By: All Classes
Required Level: None

Item Description

An adorable hat which is always worn on the side of head. If the wearer carries an umbrella with this hat on, the wearer will look as if one is going for a picnic.

  • MDEF + 7
  • Increases ATK, MATK 2%, effectiveness of Heal skill 5%.
  • Additional ATK, MATK 1% effectiveness of Heal skill 1%, If refined at +7 or more
  • STR + 1
  • INT + 1

How To Obtain This Item


This item is not available on Elves.