Maintenance 2014-03-21

From Elves Ragnarok Online

Template:Maintenance/Start Loki

  • [Fixed] - The combo from Black-Fletched Arrow and Coronis' Wing has been fixed
  • [Fixed] - You can now use the 'enter' key when typing the quantity of ingredients to purchase from the crafting NPCs.
  • [Fixed] - The HoA Board in gef_fild13 now is named "Board" like its counterparts and not "Cat Hand Agent"...
  • [Fixed] - When enchanting the "Kris" item, if you do not have one, the NPC no longer freezes.
  • [Changed] - TimTom now lets you enter how many nectars to purchase, instead of forcing you to buy 1 at a time.
  • [Fixed] - Items, like Melody Notes, that are usable in non-donate areas will now properly only apply the legit cards (1 for wing, 2 for upper, 0 for lower), when entering the map instead of only on equipping the item.
  • [Fixed] - Thanatos Card (Premium) should now be usable in HoA dungeons.
  • [Changed] - When entering Cedi, Berserk and Wind Walk are dispelled if you are not the appropriate class. This is to prevent people from abusing premium item skill effects when entering a non-donate area. Other skills, which can be cast upon you by someone else, will remain.
  • [Changed] - Cedi tiers D, C, B, and A (not the extended tiers), have incorporated the new loot system that has been available on Drake Down for a few weeks. If anything seems wrong with the system, please inform me immediately. With this new loot system though, the drop chances of certain items could have potentially been altered. Whether increased, or decreased is yet unknown, but it 'should' stay pretty much the same.
    • In the new loot system, the chest will have 3 options for the party leader: Choose Recipient, Send all to party, Abandon Loots. The first lets you pick which party member receives the item. They will have an automatic 100 lot score to guarantee it. Send all to party, opens the looting for everyone. Abandon loots will inform your members you abandoned it, and not reward any items as well as kick you out of the map immediately. Do note though that you are able to use "Choose Recipient", send the first few items to certain members, cancel, then choose "send all to party". At that point, the ones already looted will still be claimed, and you can save time by sending the rest to the party. However, if you send at least one loot to the party, you are unable to abandon them. As well, if an item has a 100 lot score, you won't be given the option to lot / pass on it, as it would be redundant to even try.
