Maintenance 2015-03-11

From Elves Ragnarok Online

Template:Maintenance/Start Loki

  • Recovery will now cure Burning
    • This has been implemented because of the growing amount of items that now inflict Burning. This change may be reverted once the new client hits - but another method of curing Burning will be added in its place.
  • A new batch of inter-related content has been added that brings together three new aspects: Biolabs F4, Sealed MvPs and Antiques.
  • Biolabs F4:
    • Biolabs F4 will replace our current Biolabs F4 (which will be renamed Biolabs B1, but continue to exist as it currently is).
    • Biolabs F4 is a custom take on the official content. That means Champion Chen, Paladin Randal and the rest of the 2-2 jobs have been added - but have been rebalanced to provide at least a small challenge for Loki's mechanics!
    • All gear has been rebalanced and some effects have been out-right changed. A list will appear soon of all the items (I'll post it when I can!).
    • A quest must be completed before entry may be granted (more below).
  • Sealed MvPs:
    • Sealed MvPs - again, a custom take on official content - are instead powered up MvPs that roam the open world.
    • The MvPs are only copies of those found within the MvP arena so that with the removal of their open world counterparts, there is no loss of content.
    • These MvPs all provide an extra challenge to players and drop a custom Sealed version of their MvP card, as well as one of the weapons they drop.
    • The MvPs may have anti-camping measures installed, depending on player feedback. So be sure to let me know how you feel about this.
  • Antiques:
    • Antiques are initially weak equipments that will be given out in relation to the two points above.
    • Antiques will take a portion of the EXP you earn as you defeat mobs and level up accordingly.
    • Once an Antique has reached a leveling threshold, you may then acquire a bonus of your choice to put on the item.
    • A detailed explanation of this will appear below.
    • Please note, these are complex pieces of equipment and whilst they have been bug tested and QA'd, I am but one man. If you do find any bugs, please let me know immediately, by way of the forums or in game.
  • These three different types of content are all interlinked in that they require players to each complete a quest, titled "The Boy who cried Wolfchev". Once this quest is complete, players then may undertake a repeatable quest called "Breaking of the Seal". This quest must be completed by the server as a whole 500 times (similar to the God Item quests). Furthermore, players of the server must donate a total of 10bn Zeny and 15,000 Points towards a whole-server pot.
  • Once these three conditions have been met, Biolabs F4 will become accessible and the Sealed MvPs will start to roam the world for 30 days. After this time has elapsed, Biolabs will become inaccessible and the Sealed MvPs will become re-sealed.
  • As a thank you to the players who donate Zeny and Points to the server pot, one of the new NPCs will be able to give you items depending on how much you donate. These include the powerful Antique items, as well as an assortment of other items. But be quick! Because once the pot has reached the specified amount, you will not be able to donate again for another 30 days when the seals re-appear.
  • Some numbers for you: 21 new MvPs, 28 new mobs, and hundreds of new items - some with specially made effects that have never been seen before.
  • Server will now no longer PM you when there is an event happening. Instead it will display a green message in your chat log - this can still be disabled by PMing Server with "block".
  • The amount of announcement spam by Bacon has been cut.
  • Herja's chance to Dispell has been reduced. This is a compromise as originally it was not intended to work with AoE spells; however, instead of changing that, a lowering of the rate Dispell procs seems fair.
