Maintenance 2016-02-05

From Elves Ragnarok Online

Template:Maintenance/Start Loki:

  • Biolabs 4 and Wolfchev's Laboratory
    • Introducing the final episode in the Biolabs 4 saga - Wolfchev's Laboratory!
    • The more astute of you will realise there have been strange sounds and screams coming from Biolabs 4 lately. Finally, the secret entry to Wolfchev's Lab has been found by the brave adventurers of Rune-Midgard who have followed these screams deep into the Biolabs - past even the heavily-guarded northern side! Adventurers will find inside Wolfchev's Lab cunning tricks and devious traps set up by Wolfchev himself to deter any such incursions. Adventurers will need the help of at least three other friends to open those heavy, steel doors - and they should be wise to heed such words! Because who knows what will await them at the end... Maybe even Wolfchev himself?
    • A new MvP has been made especially for this instance - custom made, of course - as well as the Bio 3 MvPs being buffed up to the Bio 4 standards (only within the instance). None of the mobs have any drops, but those daring enough to vanquish the MvP will find a treasure chest left behind containing some goodies, as well as a set of 18 brand new weapons - one for each class! Each weapon also has a speciality bonus specific to a certain class, meaning those classes will find an extra use for these weapons. Furthermore, at a very low chance, the chest may also contain one of any of the Bio MvP cards!
    • p.s. play with .effects on, for full enjoyment.
  • Challenge!
    • This instance is quite a hard one, in that I'm confident! So I have a challenge for everyone. I will open Biolabs 4 for two days - and if anyone can clear the instance within that time, I will open Biolabs for an extra month. If not, you'll have to unlock it yourself! Furthermore, normally, the instance will require you to complete the opening quest at least once that month to gain entry; if you guys complete this challenge then I will waive this restriction for the free month. Good luck!

  • Eden Group, Part 1 and Daily Rewards
    • This patch sees the addition of part 1 of the Eden Group, including Daily Rewards. Eden Group has been fully customised for Loki so that we may get at least a little bit of use out of it. Found in the north part of Morocc in their HQ, players can find the Eden Group. This patch includes the middle-portion of what is planned; that is, Mission Boards! Mission Boards are available for those between the levels of 100 and 199 and are designed to help you level. Starting at level 100, you will gain access to the first Mission Board, which displays a number of mobs at or around your level for you to kill. Every 20 levels, you will progress to the next Mission Board. After you complete the mission, you will gain bonus EXP based on which mob you decided to kill. There are also two mission types: Auto-Renewal or Turn In. The former grants less EXP per mission, but the mission will refresh in the field once completed, allowing you to stay out longer defeating mobs. The latter will grant more EXP and will also give you a bunch of buffs to help you, but the mission will only be completed once you head back to Eden Group HQ. This part also sees the introduction of Daily Rewards. Sponsored by Eden Group, for each day you log in you will receive a little thank you reward for playing; you don't have to do anything else! For each consecutive day you log in until day 31, your reward tier will increase. For example, if I log in for seven days in a row, I will get different rewards for each of those seven days, however, if I don't log in on the eighth day then the next time I log in, I will get the day one reward. Please note, all rewards are bound and cannot be sold. Please also note, at the minute the first 14 days only have their rewards shown; we are still finalising the last two weeks' rewards and those will be added in a follow-up maintenance.
    • Following this update, there will be two other future expansions of Eden Group, focusing one those ranged between level 1 and 99, and 200 to max; so look forward to it! Credit to gcq for her hard work in the artwork for Eden Group!

  • Stat-based Resistance and Immunity
    • This maintenance will see stat-based resistance and immunity to status effects be reverted to how it worked on old Loki. This may get technical - again - so if you're just happy with knowing status effects should feel more like old Loki, then you can move on. Otherwise, read on! Previously on old Loki, status effects had a main stat (vit mostly, but also int, mdef, etc.) and luck that reduced both the chance of you being inflicted by a status effect and also the duration of said status effect. With the move to Hercules and SE, this was changed; now whether if this is a RE change or just Hercules streamlining code, I don't know, but that doesn't matter.
    • Before this maintenance, Loki used two variables to decide on how much you should resist a status effect: sc_def and sc_def2. sc_def is a percentage-based reduction on the chance you will be inflicted by a status effect, dependent on the main stat used to resist that status effect; this is how old Loki worked, and this remains unchanged. sc_def2, however, is luck-based reduction, which would be calculated as a flat reduction to the chance of being hit by a status effect; in old Loki, this would be calculated as a percentage of the remainder chance (if you are interested in how this works, read the spoiler in this post). Before maintenance, this meant that it was almost trivial to achieve near-immunity to status effects because the rate at which luck affects the chance of being hit by a status effect was not reduced or brought in line with our max stat of 255. Now, however, this luck-based reduction will work exactly as it did before the move (as described in that post), meaning it will no longer be possible to achieve stat-based immunity to status effects, nor will your stats reduce their rate to triviality. As for the duration of a status effect, this was divided up as well as tick_def and tick_def2. In almost all cases (curse, poison and deadly poison being the exceptions), tick_def was exactly the same as sc_def, which is how old Loki worked too. tick_def2, however, was again a flat reduction to duration based on luck. This flat reduction has been removed and uses the same formulae as above, meaning high-luck characters will no longer reduce the duration of status effects to near zero.
    • In the case of curse, vit is used as the stat for tick_def, not luck which is used for sc_def; you should find no difference in how the duration of curse is reduced. In the cases of poison and deadly poison, these were incorrectly (for pre-RE) using vit and luck to reduce duration at an increased ratio than they did for reducing rate; this has been fixed, and so you should find these last longer than they did previously. Overall, you should find status effects behaving more like old Loki. You may not notice the effect straight away - especially if you are not a high luck character - but it is a subtle difference that brings the server back in line as to how it should behave.

  • Other Additions
    • Event Porings and Eremes will now spawn again!
    • New @command: @timers!
      • Will give you a list of instances, whether or not you can enter, and if not, how long of a cool down is left.
    • It will also display other things, such as HoA status, Bio 4 status and when it closes, as well as RDC tag reset!
    • New @command: @reward!
      • Displays information regarding Daily Rewards from Eden Group.
  • Item Changes and Fixes
    • Laver will now give the same speed increase as a speed pot.
    • Orbaton will now correctly work.
    • Golden items will no longer break joints on each hit.
    • Golden Scaraba Lure has been changed to be a usable item.
    • Golden armour will now be equippable by Novices as stated in the items' descriptions.
    • Alchemy Gloves now works as intended.
  • Other Fixes and Miscellaneous
    • Bloody Branches bought from the cash shop can no longer be used in towns and other maps with the nobranch mapflag.
    • Inventor Jaax will now make status arrow quivers again.
    • Fixed some mapflags in Kraken's Lair and Golden Hole.
    • Can no longer ecall in instances.
    • After-cast Delay will now work as intended.
    • Burning will now have a minimum duration of 10 seconds before undergoing stat-based resistance and reduction.
    • Guardian Stones and Barricades will no longer show HP bars in WoE.
    • The Golden Scaraba mercenaries will now cast skills as intended.
    • Rescojin now gives two RDC Points.
    • Some custom mobs have had their "blindness" fixed, where they would only aggro at super-close range.


  • [FIXED] Elemental Resistances are now calculating correctly!
  • [FIXED] Rebellion weapons are now classified as weapons, and should actually add ATK as well as their other information
  • [FIXED] Fallen Angel Wing (from EP) has had it's Demihuman reduction removed
  • [FIXED] Carrot Headgear (from the Carrot Headgear Quest) no longer sells for 50,000 zeny each.
  • [FIXED] The Amistr skill Castling is back to having a 1 second cooldown.
  • [FIXED] Double Attack for Thief Classes now works properly again!
  • [FIXED] All Permanent Equips from the Event Point NPC should now be tradeable and storageable. Please report any that are not!
  • [FIXED] No longer can a ninja job change to a Kagerou or Oboro before level 99 by using the Job Master.
  • [FIXED] Recoloured Feather Berets are now able to be refined.
  • [FIXED] Elemental Converters now have a status duration icon!
  • [FIXED] Guarana Candy now adds ASPD and agility.
  • [FIXED] Mother's White Flower now gives +20 ATK, same as Father's White Moustache.
  • [FIXED] The Nosiege Runestone will now appropriately remove most debuffs as well as provide immunity.
  • [FIXED] Rebellion's skill Platinum Altar will now actually eat your coins and give you a DEF boost to the undead.
  • [FIXED] Rebellion's skill Heat Barrel will now actually eat your coins and provide you with a reduction to your fixed cast time.
  • [FIXED] Striking's ATK Bonus will now scale with your weapon level like it is supposed to.
  • [CHANGED] Death Match NPCs in the following towns have been moved: Moscovia, Gonryun, and Aldebaran. Dewata has had a Death Match NPC added.
  • [CHANGED] The nerf that was done to Warlock's Comet [50% damage on all monsters] has been lifted. This does not affect PvP.
  • [CHANGED] Quick Draw Shot will no longer shoot you in the head when you cast it. It will hit any target that is marked by a Crimson **Marker. Note: This is not the official behavior for Quick Draw Shot, we are still working on getting it there. This is merely a temporary fix.
  • [ADDED] The Coin Bank NPC is now in Prontera! Located at 128, 210; feel free to utilize his services!
  • [ADDED] Another batch of Hat Quests is ready for Thor!
