Maintenance 2016-04-20

From Elves Ragnarok Online



Prontera is being invaded! It befalls upon you, the adventurers of Rune-Midgard to rise up and fight the evil that has set its sights upon the Crown Jewel of the Kingdom and, indeed, the world! How have they managed to siege down one of the most heavily fortified castle towns in the world? Why, by crashing a giant, metallic structure into the walls! Scouts have noticed that the Invasion Force invades only upon odd hours of the day, with the troops being... well, not your ordinary squad of troops, that's for sure! They appear to be made up of mainly Fish (!?) and Basilisks, of all the things! Intelligence also notes that the Invasion Force tends to send out four waves at once before calling off the siege - apparently they are looking for a war of attrition! No one yet knows who leads this Force of fish and reptiles, only except there appears to be a trail of sand and the strange smell of tuna near the structure they've used to take down the walls. At the end of each sortie, one of the Mastermind's generals seem to appear if the fight is not going their way in order to drum up morale. These generals are the four evil sisters - scouts report - Echidna, Siren, Lilith and Hera! Foul times are ahead when these dreadful dames appear on the battlefield! A strange man, named Kace Bentura, has rocked up in the Garden of Eden mall, claiming he has seen these aquatic craniate, tetropods before and knows how to tame them! He's willing to help people in this endeavour provided, of course, they fetch the materials needed to tame the monsters of Armageddon.


  • Event can occur at any odd hour during the day.
  • When the event occurs, the Town's Person NPC near the Prontera warp point will warp you to the event map (the invasion does not happen on the main *Prontera map in order to not be a hindrance to anyone - use your imagination to pretend that it is!).
  • There are four waves of mobs between the event ends for that hour.
  • Mobs drop a variety of loot, including 7 day premium costumes, VIP subscriptions, All Knowledge scrolls, and pet lure materials!
  • The mobs also grant a larger amount of EXP than even those in the Biolabs Basement, so please bear this in mind!
  • Kace Bentura at the Eden Mall can turn pet lure materials gained from the mobs into the actual pet lure items to capture them. All mobs (bar the basilisks) may be captured and turned into pets.
  • The event will continue until the next main maintenance.

Cashshop Update!

Loki has received a small update to the cashshop! Good times ahead!

  • [Loki] Strongman Hair - "Hair that makes you look like your power level is over 9000!"
    • Effect: PvP Helm
    • Cost: 2,000P
    • Warning! This item is not in the cashshop permanently! It will be removed when the Prontera Invasion event ends.
  • [Loki] Strongman Hair (Black) - "Going through a rebellious stage? Still want to appear as if your power level is over 9000? This is the hair for you!"
    • Effect: +20 All Stats. +25% more damage to DemiHumans; +5% more damage with all weapon types.
    • Cost: 2,000P
  • [Loki] Strongman Hair (Red) - "If red is your thing and need a bit of a power boost to your magic, we'd recommend this!"
    • Effect: +20 All Stats. +10% MATK. +20% more magic damage to DemiHumans. Reduces After-cast Delay at a rate of 1% for every 50 points of Int.
    • Cost: 2,000P
  • [Loki] Strongman Hair (White) - "If George Clooney was a Saiyan, this'd be what his hair would look like."
    • Effect: +20 All Stats. +5% ATK/MATK. 0.5% chance to cause Cold with any attack (melee, long-range, magic, etc.). +25% resistance to Cold, that decreases by 5% for every card slotted into this headgear.
    • Cost: 2,000P

Please note, the coloured Strongman Hairs will be featured in the cashshop permanently, whilst the original will be temporary only. All headgears are upper, with six defence and four slots. Also note that these new items do not have client-side trade restrictions set, but they are all untradeable (as is standard).

Loki Maintenance Notes

  • [Added] Using @leader inside Battlegrounds will show you the name of your leader, if it is not you.
  • [Added] A message will pop up above your head once you enter Battlegrounds saying which team you are on.
  • [Added] You will now be blocked from sending B/S/T messages in any other channel but #trade. If you are found to be sending these messages in #main, we will know it was not a typo and will mute you harshly.
  • [Added] When carrying a Battlegrounds objective, your walking speed will be forced to the default value (150 for reference) for the time you have the objective.
  • [Added] In case you missed it, you will be granted a 5 second invincibility after respawning in Battlegrounds.
  • [Added] Bases in relevant Battlegrounds will show a "HP" indicator; it ranges from 50 to -50.
  • [Added] In order to combat cheaters, a minimum skill delay has been increased slightly. This will prevent faster-than-intended skill spamming, and will also nullify the lack of delay when under attack (which was an unintended and unwanted side-effect of our stats and items).
  • [Added] A new type of delay, called minimum delay (imaginative, I know) has been added. This, for the time being, is only applied to Potion Pitcher but can be applied to other skills where necessary. This delay is completely irreducible and unbypassable. This also includes cases where animation is cut (for whatever reason) artificially causing the skill's delay to decrease.
  • [Changed] The criteria for obtaining the fifth key in the Golden Hole has been eased.
  • [Changed] Overhauled the formulae for Heal, Sanctuary, Apple of Idunn, Evil Land and Potion Pitcher.
    • Heal, Sanctuary, Apple of Idunn and Evil Land:
      • Amount healed is calculated normally, with skill level, Meditatio and Musical Lessons (where applicable) having not changed. This amount of heal is considered as the base heal amount.
      • Bonuses that increase the amount of healing you do (for the caster) are now applied to that base heal amount, capped at a 100% increase - this amount of heal is considered as the caster heal increase.
      • Bonuses that increase the amount of healing done on you (for the target) are now also applied to the base heal amount, capped at a 100% increase - this amount of heal is considered as the target heal increase.
      • In the cases of Critical Wounds, this applies separately to all three heal amounts, as it did previously.
      • In the case of SC_HEALPLUS (used only in the scripts of Regeneration Potion and Coagulated Blood), this acts on the target heal increase, and may go beyond the capped 100% increase.
      • The final heal amount is calculated as the sum of the three different type of heal amounts.
      • TL;DR: bonuses bHealPower and bHealPower2 now stack additively. The extra amount healed is generally capped at 300% except in some cases.
    • Potion Pitcher:
      • Recovery skills (both Swordsman and Mage for HP and SP respectively) no longer grant any increased heal amounts.
      • The bonus Job Level contributes to the amount healed when linked has been capped at JLvl 70.
      • The amount of Max HP contributes to amount healed has been capped to 700k.
      • The effect vitality has on the amount healed has been completely changed (changes are underlined).
      • Before: heal * (100+vit<<1)/100; now: heal * (100 + (350 * (1.1-exp(-0.01*vit)) / 100).
      • For those not mathematically inclined, this means lower amounts of vit now result in a larger increase that previously, however higher amounts of vit now result in a tapering off.
      • Please see this graph for a comparison of the underlined portions of the formula above.
      • The same as Heal et al. is that the heal amount is split into three: base heal amount, caster heal increase and target heal increase. Same rules applies, i.e. the formula which applies skill level, job level, vit etc. is calculated first and is considered the base heal amount.
      • In this case, please note that any bonuses that increase the amount potions heal on you is considered as part of the caster heal increase heal and not target heal increase.
      • Critical Wounds is also applied similarly to Heal, in that it is applied to all three heal amounts.
      • TL;DR: JLvl bonus caps at 70, max HP is capped at 700k and vit now counts for a larger heal at lower amounts, until 150~ when it is the same as it is now, and tapers off beyond this amount. Like Heal, bonuses bHealPower and bHealPower2 now stack additively. The extra amount healed is generally capped at 300% except in some cases.
  • [Changed] Re-entry times for the Port Malayan Hospital and Bakonawa instances have been reduced from seven days to one day.
  • [Changed] Because of the lessened cooldown on the instance, Buwaya's Sack Cloth garment's bonuses have been reduced a little bit. Their descriptions have been updated to reflect this.
  • [Changed] You will be force-dismounted when entering Battlegrounds, with the Hatler Lead being unusable once inside.
  • [Changed] The amount of time needed to take objectives in Conquest has been reduced from six minutes to four.
  • [Changed] The Battle Therapists will now ask if you would like to open storage rather than just forcing it on you.
  • [Changed] The Battlegrounds' Emperium is now considered as a Plant-type mob.
  • [Changed] In case you missed it, the MvPs in Bossnia have been made easier.
  • [Changed/Fixed] Devotion will now be ended when the Crusader has less than 25% HP. As a corollary, Devotion cannot be used when under 25% HP.
  • [Fixed] Stalkers will no longer have their plagiarised skill overwrote by a reflected spell.
  • [Fixed] Super Babies can now talk to the Platinum Skill NPC to regain lost skills.
  • [Fixed] Fixed an error with Hatred that set the original view mob ID as target rather than the actual mob ID you targeted (this affects mainly custom mobs).
  • [Fixed] Acid Terror will now correctly ignore hard defence.
  • [Fixed] All Battleground maps are considered as Battleground Zone now.
  • [Fixed] For those who still have them, the Battlegrounds items obtained from Thelma may now be used on the maps they are allowed to be used on.
  • [Fixed] Battlegrounds is now actually 45v45 and will not cap out early at 30v30.
  • [Fixed] Custom skills (reputation skills) will no longer disappear unexpectedly and randomly.
  • [Fixed] Darkened Boots now correctly grant level 3 Hiding.
  • [Fixed] Darkness Blooms now correctly casts Evil Land when used.
  • [Fixed] The warp portal from Brasilis to Brasilis Field 1 (and vice versa) has re-appeared.
  • [Fixed] One of the Bangongots was incorrectly taking plant damage - this has been fixed.
  • [Fixed] The Tikbalang Expert will correctly delete your 5 Lesser Agi... things.
  • [Fixed] Corrected the sprites for Everblaze and Burn Cream being swapped incorrectly.


  • [Fixed] The fix for Heroic Backpack from the Heroic Shop has (actually) been uploaded today. Sorry for anyone who tried and ended up buying a Familiar Rucksack instead, but I do believe I got everyone who that happened to.
  • [Fixed] The BG consumables from Telma are now again usable on BG and WoE maps.
  • [Fixed] Faceworm Queen can no longer teleport, thereby making you unable to hunt her down and kill her.
  • [Fixed] Kunai Splash should now work properly, consuming the kunai.
  • [Fixed] Gunslinger's Gatling Fever now properly adds base atk
  • [Changed] The Killing Cloud animation has been changed to be less laggy
  • [Changed] The permanent costumes in cash shop should now be tradeable (Unicorn Helm, Horse Mask, etc.) and all specialty bacons/hams should also be tradable as well.
  • [Changed] The guild aura passive skills (Sharp Hawk Eyes etc.) will now affect the guild leader as well.
  • [Added] Heroic Backpack was added to the Event Point Store for 10 points. Fallen Angel Wing will make it's way onto the Heroic Shop after I get some feedback that Heroic Backpack is now working properly there.
