
From Elves Ragnarok Online



Ninjas have three primary branches of skills: Throwing, Deception and Magic. The player can opt to master one branch, or mix elements from two branches. They also have the sub-branch with supportive skills, and an "Ultimate" skill.

Throwing skills rely on the user's STR for damage, while Magic skills use INT, meaning that these two branches are rarely mixed. Deception is a mix of evasion skills and attack skills, and usually all Ninja builds will include Cicada Skin Shed due to its usefulness in avoiding attacks.

Skill Description Levels Type
Template:Skill List Gives a Weapon Mastery-type damage bonus to Throw Shuriken. 10 Passive
Template:Skill List Throw a Shuriken to deal a small amount of damage, but with little delay. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Throw a Kunai to deal three hits. 5 Offensive
Template:Skill List Use a Huuma Shuriken to strike all targets in a 3x3 area around the target. 5 Offensive
Template:Skill List Throw a random amount of zeny at the target to deal DEF-piercing damage. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Deal damage and knockback nearby enemies, and create the Pneuma effect on one cell of the ground. 5 Offensive
File:Shadow Leap.png__Shadow Jump From the Hiding status, instantly move to a target cell. (But not through solid obstacles.) 5 Active
Template:Skill List Strike a target and enter the Hiding status. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List From the Hiding status, instantly move to target enemy and strike them with a chance for a critical hit. 5 Offensive
Template:Skill List Evade up to three physical attacks, with each trigger moving the Ninja away from the attacker. 5 Active
Template:Skill List Evade up to five physical attacks, without the pushback that Cicada Skin Shed has. 10 Active
Template:Skill List Attack a single target with up to 10× MATK Fire-element damage. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Create a 5x5 field of fire that stalls enemies and rapidly deals Fire-element damage. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Summon a flaming dragon to deal Fire-element damage to all enemies in the 5x5 area around the target. 5 Offensive
Template:Skill List Attack a single target with up to 12x MATK Water-element damage. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Create a field of water that slows down all enemies, except for other Ninjas. 10 Active
Template:Skill List Summon down a block of ice to deal Water-element damage to nearby enemies, with a chance of freezing them. 5 Offensive
Template:Skill List Attack a single target with up to 6x MATK Wind-element damage. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Summon down a lightning bolt to strike all nearby enemies for Wind-element damage. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Strike all targets within a 3-cell wide path to the target with Wind-element damage. 5 Offensive
Template:Skill List Sacrifice a small amount of HP to increase INT and STR, and allow the casting of Mirror Image and Killing Stroke. 5 Active
Template:Skill List Passively increases SP recovery speed when not moving. 10 Passive
Template:Skill List Reduce the Ninja's HP to 1 in order to deal a strong blow to a single target. 10 Offensive

External Links

Template:Navbox Ninja Template:Navbox Classes