Parfaille Vigilante Hat

From Elves Ragnarok Online

Parfaille Vigilante Hat
File:Parfaille Vigilante Hat.png
ID: 50158
Tradable: Template:No
Storage-able: Yes
Vendable: Template:No
Slots: 4
Defence: 0
Equipped On: Upper Headgear
Equippable By: All Classes
Required Level: None

Item Description

File:Parfaille Vigilante Hat Image.png

By wearing this hat, you can be a part of a Parfait ceremony.

  • AGI, DEX, LUK +15
  • +45% more damage against Demi Human and Brute races.
  • +5% more damage to Neutral element enemies.
  • If worn by a Gunslinger, reduces fixed casting time by 20%.
  • Adds chance of stripping shield as well when using disarm.
  • Adds a small chance of receiving Odin's Power lv2 when using skills.

How To Obtain This Item


This item is not available on Elves.