PvP Arena

From Elves Ragnarok Online


Greetings nublets, I am the one and only Nade Nezban, and I have an announcement for you tards, so pay attention. I've always been a fan of PvP and just killing other losers in general, but after a while, being so much better than everyone else gets boring. So I've taken to creating an establishment for other, lesser fighters (that's you guys) to PvP in for my amusement.

So why PvP in my arena, you may ask? Well first of all, shut up, I'm talking. Questions can come later.

But I was getting to this point anyway, so let me tell you how it is. There are many reasons to choose to PvP here instead of in other, lesser places, the important ones would be:

  • Purpose: There are conflicting views on what the point of PvP is. I say, you're all idiots, the point is to be the best, and kick the asses of anyone who dares question that. My philosophy shows in the PvP Arena. Each kill inside grants you points, and likewise, each defeat causes you to lose points. What are points for? They are for the ranking of course, the fighters with the most points will be proudly displayed in the main hall. Points simply exist so you can tell the world, "Hey, I'm the best". That being said however, somewhere down the line points may be tradable for all sorts of goodies, We shall see about that.
  • Fairness: Ok, lets get one thing straight. I hate talking about...fairness. There is no way to do so without sounding like a total pansy. Just mentioning the word fair makes me feel a bit less awesome... but regardless, fairness is something my arena has, to an extent. We have a room for donors and non donors alike (or if your flavor of choice is Eir, a normal room and a non-party/guild room), and neither room will allow a maximum stats character to enter, so take your hax elsewhere nubs, real players are fighting here. There will be no @returning or any other commands for that matter in my PvP rooms, if you need cheap tricks to "win", feel free to use them somewhere else, there might be a playground at the daycare across the street for you.
  • Me: That's right, I'm there. Really I should just put this reason at the top and forget about that other stuff.

Frequently Asked Questions

So, how do we get to the Arena?
Well that's easy, just speak to the PvP Arena girl. She can be found in most cities across the land of RO.
Who do I talk to before entering PvP?
First, I require all nublets to speak to me first when you get here, do it or I'm not letting you in. After you talk to me, Nade Nezban, you need to speak to an Arena Guard. There are 3 guards, 1 for non-donor, 1 for donor, and 1 for Nightmare PvP. If you are on Eir, the non-donor and donor arenas are switch with a normal and a non-party/guild room.

Now, that would be awesome already, but in addition to the regular ranked PvP, I also have some new, extra PvP modes, to liven things up a bit. At the grand opening of my Arena, there are currently only two extra modes, but more will be added in the future, so pay attention nubs. Here's what we got now though:

King of the Hill

Teams : 3-5 players
Points : Normal, x1.5 for hill defense
Rewards : Bonus points, divided among team

King of the Hill is a team based PvP Arena, and can only be entered when I personally start a game. To get in, you need a team of 3-5 players, no more, no less. The objective of King of the Hill is simple, take control of the "hill" in the center of the map, you can do so by destroying the Emperium there. For each 10 seconds of controlling the hill, you will gain 1 point, and the game is finished when a team reaches the maximum number of points (which can change between each game).

The Emperium in King of the Hill has much different stats from the one you know from WoE, it is also able to be targeted by any and all skills, and even by the team that owns it. Yes, you can break your own Emperium, no it does not accomplish anything, other than making you look like an idiot and losing points.

Nightmare PvP


Free For All
Points : x2 won, x2 lost

Nightmare PvP is similar to normal PvP, with one very important difference. Upon getting owned, you can, and most likely will, drop equipment on the ground. Don't say I didn't warn you nublets, this room is only for real badasses. With that being said, clearly it would be unfair to allow any non-droppable equipments into this room. If you can get past being a wuss though, the points are doubled in this room, you can make a ton if you don't suck!

But let me make this super clear, and I won't even let you in these rooms if you don't agree to this, you cannot come crying to me or a GM or anyone else if you lose something valuable in Nightmare PvP. That's the whole point after all, so suck it up.

I think that about concludes my little introduction. I didn't go fully in depth on everything here, but more information can be found by talking to me or my assistants in the Arena.

See you in the Arena, nublets!