Rekenber Job Quest

From Elves Ragnarok Online
Base Level: 70
Items: 1 White Potion
Experience: Base EXP: Job EXP:
140,000 None

1. Go to Lighthalzen and talk to the Old Man (Located at 141, 162). He mentions how busy Kazien has been lately. He asks you to check up on him.

2. Head to the Rekenber Headquarters and go to the second floor. Head to the other room next to the heavily guarded room and talk to the Young Man, Kazien (Located at 174, 258). He will ask if you can keep a secret and then, he will give you a small test. Your first assignment is visit Garins inside the Einbroch Laboratory.

3. Go to Einbroch and head to the Laboratory (Located at 54, 52). Talk to the Laboratory Guard and he will ask you on why you want to enter the lab. Answer either "Whoa, I'm leaving!" or "Actually, I have business here", then tell him "I'll be back later" and return to Kazien.

  • Note: You will fail this mission if you picked the wrong option. You need to return to Kazien to tell him that you have failed. You can redo this mission after a period of time.

4. Return to Kazien and he says the job was to test your ability on keeping secrets. Talk to him again and he will mention a man named Lyozien.

5. Go to the Aiport and board the International Airship. Head downstairs and find a Man, Lyozien (Located at 96, 48). He will then guide you to Scamp in Izlude.

6. Go to Izlude and talk to Scamp (Located at 185, 66). He will tell you that the goods have been delivered. Return to Lyozien and he will redirect you to Kazien. Go back to the Rekenber Headquarters and talk to Kazien. He will thank you for your efforts so far and reward you with:

  • 40,000 Base Experience

7. Go back to Lyozien in the Airplane. This time, two Template:MonsterLink will appear while you are having a deep conversation with him. Kill the thugs and he will tell you to talk to Scamp. Head back to Scamp and show your suspicion about the delivered goods and the attackers. He will give you no answer about that.

8. Head back to Lyozien and he will express his gratitude towards you and he guides you back to Kazien. Go back to Kazien and he will reward you for dispatching the attackers and saving the goods. He will give you:

  • 45,000 Base Experience

9. Go back to Lyozien. This time, three Template:MonsterLink will appear. After the fight, examine some of the damaged goods (98, 46). While looking at the goods, Lyozien will reappear and rewards you for saving his life for the second time. He will give you a:

1 White Potion

10. Go back to Scamp and he insists that you take a rest as you seem to look pale after knowing the contents of the goods. Return to Lyozien and he will ask you to take a rest as well. Talk to Kazien again and he tell him that you knew the contents of the goods. Although he will be disappointed, he will still reward you for your help. He will give you :

  • 55,000 Base Experience

11. Walk out of the room and head downstairs (189, 248). You will have a brief flashback of the things that you and Kazien argued about.