
From Elves Ragnarok Online



See Thief Skills for first class skills.

Skill Description Levels Type
Template:Skill List Attacks a target from behind, dealing up to 700% damage that does not miss 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Forcibly remove an opponent's armor by chance 5 Active
Template:Skill List Forcibly remove an opponent's upper headgear by chance 5 Active
Template:Skill List Forcibly remove an opponent's shield by chance 5 Active
Template:Skill List Forcibly remove an opponent's Weapon by chance 5 Active
Template:Skill List Deal up to 380% damage to a single target. 10 Offensive
Template:Skill List Adds a chance of casting Steal automatically when attacking a monster. 10 Passive
Template:Skill List Buy items from NPC's with an up to 25% discount. 5 Passive
Template:Skill List Allows the player to use the most recent skill that has damaged them. 10 Passive
Template:Skill List Attempts to steal Zeny from a monster. 10 Active
Template:Skill List Paints graffiti on a guild flag. Unimplemented 5 Active
Template:Skill List Remove a Hunter's trap from the ground. 1 Active
Template:Skill List Removes graffiti from a guild flag. Unimplemented 1 Active
Template:Skill List Writes text on the ground. 1 Active
Template:Skill List Damages all opponents in a 3x3 area around the caster, with a chance to Blind or Stun 5 Offensive
Template:Skill List Prevents non-boss monsters from attacking any rogues sitting together 1 Passive
Template:Skill List Forcibly teleports the player and a non-boss monster to another location on the map. 5 Offensive
Template:Skill List Allows the player to move while in the Hiding state. 5 Passive
Template:Skill List Increases damage done with Daggers and One-Handed Swords. 10 Passive
Template:Skill List Increases range and HIT when using bows. 10 Passive

Quest Skills

Skill Description Levels Type Job Level
Template:Skill List Locks the caster and a target in place for up to 10 seconds. 1 Active 35 Close Confine Quest

External Links

Template:Navbox Rogue Template:Navbox Classes