Round Trip

From Elves Ragnarok Online

Round Trip (Alt: Round Trip) is an Expanded 2nd class offensive skill available as Rebel.


Unleash a barrage of gunfire at all targets in range, dealing damage and knocking the affected targets back.

If the targets are knocked back into the wall, they will take additional damage.

Caster's DEX affects the amount of initial and knockback damage.

Level Area of Effect Cooldown SP Cost
1 7x7 3.0s 20
2 2.5s 25
3 9x9 2.0s 30
4 11x11 1.5s 35
5 13x13 1.0s 40


  • Damage formula: [(dex/2)*(10+(skillLevel*3)]% * base dmg (Collision damage is half the initial damage)

Template:Navbox Gunslinger