
From Elves Ragnarok Online


You might be asking yourself, what is stacking? When it comes to card stacking, it usually means building up multiple card effects to obtain some kind of resistance or immunity to a certain aspect. These aspects could be elemental immunities, status effect immune, etc. Since there is no 1 card that gives you complete elemental immunity, card stacking is often used to obtain it. Equipment stacking does the same thing. As far as the game is concerned, cards and equipment are no different. You can gain some resistance from an armor, and resistance from a card and they will both stack. Stacking also is important if you want to deal more damage to another player or monster. Cards and Equipment often have bonuses that make you deal more damage depending on Race, Element and Size. When it comes to WoE and PvP, these are very important.

Immunity to a certain aspect means you will not be inflicted or damaged by it. If you are immune to water property attacks, all attacks will miss you, or even heal you if you have enough resistance. Immunity to status effects means that no matter what the enemy does, you can be affected by it. So if the enemy started spamming Frost Joker on you, and you were immune to freeze, it would never freeze you no matter how many times they try.


This is a list of the most common types of cards / equipment effects that would stack. Take special note that for the Attack Modifier, it does not include things that give you a fixed amount of attack. So it will include things like "Attack + 4%", but not "Attack + 150".

  • Elemental Resistance (Less damage from Water, Earth, Fire, etc)
  • Elemental Modifier (More damage to Water, Earth, Fire, etc)
  • Status Effect Resistance (Silence, Stun, Freeze, etc)
  • Size Modifier (Small, Medium, Large)
  • Race Resistance (Demon, Angel, Demi-Human, etc)
  • Race Modifier (Demon, Angel, Demi-Human, etc)
  • Attack Modifier (Attack + ?%)
  • Special Modifier (Non-Boss, Boss)
  • Specific Modifiers (More damage on Orcs, Guardians, etc)
  • Critical Modifier (More damage from critical attacks only)

How To Stack

Elemental Resistance

This is the easiest kind of stacking a player can do. All you have to do is know how to add & subtract. If you used a Leaf Cat Card, which gives 10% resistance to the water property, you add. If you used 4 of those, that would be 40% (10% * 4), which means you take 40% less damage from the water property.

However, Elemental Armors do not stack with this. If you used a Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano, it would make you a fire property, which means you naturally take less damage from fire, but that does not give fire resistance. If someone attacked you with a fire weapon and you would normally take 100 damage, the fire armor makes you take 25 damage. Then the elemental resistance cards are used. If you had 20% resistance to fire, you would take 20% less damage than the 25 damage from our example, which is 20 damage total. It gets a bit tricky when you involve elemental armors, but you must remember elemental armors do not add resistance so you would still need 100% resistance from an element to take no damage.

Race Resistance

This works in teh same way as elemental resistances. Although it is impossible to gain an immunity to a certain race (except Demi-Human), it is possible to gain resistances. Demi-Human resistance is only achievable by using the premium item Ahura Mazdah. When you get immune to an element, it doesn't matter if they melee you, use magic, or anything else. As long as it's being dealt by a Demi-Human monster, you will avoid all damage. This is considered overpowered, especially for WoE / PvP, so it's impossible to use the Ahura in those settings.

Status Effects

This also works in the same way as elemental resistances. If a card or armor gives you 20% resistance against a status effect, you would need 80% more to be immune. Resistance to status effects affect how often you are hit by it. If you were 50% resistant to freeze, and someone used Frost Joker, you would be hit by frozen 50% of the time you normally would. It does not decrease how long you are affected by the status effect however, so it does not make you frozen for 2 seconds instead of 4.

Damage Modifiers

This is by far, the most complicated aspect when it comes to stacking. But, as long as you remember the golden rule "Same Type" modifiers add, and "different type" modifiers multiply, you should be good.

We'll start off by using the default, and pretend you are fighting another player. Players are considered medium size, and demi-human. If you have no equipment or cards equipped, you will take the full (100%) damage from all elements, races, sizes, etc. Numbers are represented in decimal form, not percent, so 100% would be equal to 1. Notice how below, it shows how the different modifier types are shown to multiply. Below that, is the default 100% damage you would take from all aspects.

( Race) * (Size) * (Element) * (Special) * (Specific) * (Critical) * (Attack) = Your total damage output.
(1) * (1) * (1) * (1) * (1) * (1) * (1) = 100% total damage

Let's equip two (2) Skeleton Worker card, that does more damage to medium size monsters by 15% each. You would keep the "1" in each area because that signifies 100%. The new formula would look like:

(Race) * (Skel-Worker + Skel-Worker) * (Element) * (Special) * (Specific) * (Critical) * (Attack) = Your total damage output.
(1) * (1 + 0.15 + 0.15) * (1) * (1) * (1) * (1) * (1) = 130% total damage

Notice how it's "1 + 0.15 + 0.15" which would be 1.30 or 130%. Because they both add damage based on size, they are similar modifiers, which if you remember the golden rule, Add. Size and Element would multiply because they are different. Let's go ahead and show that by putting two (2) Hydra Card, which does 20% more damage to Demi-Human race each, on with those Skeleton Worker cards. Notice how they would multiply:

(Hydra + Hydra) * (Skel-Worker + Skel-Worker) * (Element) * (Special) * (Specific) * (Critical) * (Attack) = Your total damage output.
(1 + 0.20 + 0.20) * (1 + 0.15 + 0.15) * (1) * (1) * (1) * (1) * (1) = 182% total damage

If you haven't noticed, something special went on. If you used only 4 Hydra cards, that would be 180% total since they add together. But, by using 2 Hydra Cards, and 2 Skeleton Worker cards, you have obtained 182%. Through the magic of card stacking, you can increase your damage by choosing the right cards. This next example will show many different types of cards used, to get a high damage output. This example will be you attacking another player (Demi-Human / Medium) who is wearing a Wind Armor (75% less damage from wind, 50% more damage from earth). You will be using an Earth property converter. You might need a calculator for this one:

(Hydra) * (Skel-Worker) * (Earth Vert) * (TG Card) * (Specific) * (Critical) * (Attack) = Your total damage output.
(1 + 0.20) * (1 + 0.15) * (1 + 0.50) * (1 + 0.25) * (1) * (1) * (1) = 258.75% total damage

All the different types multiply, and because it's a player, they are classified as "Non-Boss" so they take more damage from Turtle General Card. The elemental property you hit them with caused more damage and will do so until they unequip the armor, or you lose the element.


By following the examples, you should have learned how cards stack with equipment and items to deal more damage on players / monsters. Every monster in the game has a Race, Element, and Size. So by learning who you are going to face, you can prepare yourself to be the most powerful person they have ever fought.

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