Thor's Point Redemption

From Elves Ragnarok Online

Certain items can be obtained through our custom point systems. We have premium points (bought with cash), vote points (vote for us via our website) and event points (earned through events).

Vote Points

The Vote Point NPC can be found in Veins (at 188, 107).


Pichu Egg
Pikachu Egg
Raichu Egg
Mudkip Egg
Marshtomp Egg
Swellow Egg
Taillow Egg
Charmander Egg
Charmeleon Egg


Instant Baby
Instant Novice
Summer Event Suit
Santa's Bag
Rainbow Acid
Rainbow Twisler


NOTE: All costumes are 1 month rentals Angeling Hat Box
Archangeling Hat Box
Deviling Hat Box
Drops Hat Box
Marin Hat Box
Metaling Hat Box
Poporing Hat Box
Poring Hat Box
Angeling Party Hat Box
Archangeling Party Hat Box
Deviling Party Hat Box

Event Points

The Event Point NPC can be found in Veins (at 191, 109).