Twin Red Ribbon

From Elves Ragnarok Online

Twin Red Ribbon
File:Twin Red Ribbon 2.png
ID: 5187
Tradable: Template:No
Storage-able: Yes
Vendable: Template:No
Slots: 1
Defence: 0
Equipped On: Upper Headgear
Equippable By: All
Required Level: 30

Item Description

File:Twin Red Ribbon.png

  • MaxSP +30
  • MDEF + 3
  • Decreases 20% of all physical damage and Mdef for 2 seconds, with low chance when physically attacked.
  • Decreases 20% od all magical damage and Def for 2 seconds, with low chance when magically attacked.

How To Obtain This Item


This item is not available on Elves.